Key investment projects with completed construction in 2023

Facility Construction period Capacity commissioned Commissioning volume, RUB mln, excl. VAT
start end km MVA
Construction of Yuzhnaya Ozereyevka 110/10 kV substation with installation of two 110/10 kV transformers with a capacity of 10 MVA each 2020 2023 0.00 20 350.81
Construction of 110 kV feeding lines to connect the Yuzhnaya Ozereyevka 110 kV substation 2020 2023 18.07 0 1,130.88
Construction of Yasnaya 110/10 kV substation 2022 2023 0.10 40 253.10
Renovation of Pasechnaya 110/6 kV substation with replacement of 2×16 MVA transformers with 2×40 MVA transformers 2020 2023 2.44 80 882.90
Renovation of Kudepsta 110 kV substation with replacement of transformers from 2x16 MVA to 2x25 MVA 2019 2023 2.19 50 683.17
Renovation of the Adler 110/10/6 kV substation with replacement of 2x25 MVA transformers with 2x40 MVA transformers 2020 2023 3.00 80 774.68
Renovation of the 10 kV distribution grid adjacent to the IKEA 110 kV substation, including from the Termneft, Naberezhnaya, Zapadnaya‑2 110 kV substations and the Khomuty 35 kV substation 2022 2023 24.80 0 309.93