Key Performance Indicators

Indicator 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Change 2023/2022 (%)
Financial indicators The following data were used to calculate the indicators:
for 2019 — Balance Sheet for 2020 (“As at 31 December 2019” column), Profit and Loss Statement for January — December 2020 (“In 2019” column);
for 2020 — Balance Sheet for 2021 (“As at 31 December 2020” column), Profit and Loss Statement for January — December 2020 (“In 2020” column);
for 2021 — Balance Sheet for 2022 (“As at 31 December 2021” column), Profit and Loss Statement for January — December 2021 (“In 2021” column);
for 2022 — Balance Sheet for 2023 (“As at 31 December 2022” column), Profit and Loss Statement for January — December 2022 (“In 2022” column);
for 2023 — Balance Sheet for 2023 (“As at 31 December 2023” column), Profit and Loss Statement for January — December 2023 (“In 2023” column).
Revenue (RUB mln) 51,003.7 49,369.6 57,669.7 63,738.9 74,557.5 +17.0
Self‑cost Including administrative costs. 43,936.1 46,975.3 50,054.5 53,153.7 62,117.5 +16.9
Net profit (loss) (RUB mln) 2,503.7 ‑1,501.3 1,711.8 5,244.5 6,166.5 +17.6
Loans and borrowings at the end of the year (RUB mln) 23,085.5 23,436.8 20,870.5 20,921.8 20,188.8 ‑3.5
Return on equity (%) 6.72 ‑3.86 4.36 12.20 12.40 +0.2 p.p.
Return on assets (%) 4.63 ‑1.80 2.10 5.78 5.81 +0.03 p.p.
Amount of dividends declared in the reporting year based on the results of the previous year (RUB mln) 143.6 636.9 0 932.2 2,710.0 +2.9x
Operating indicators
Delivery to the Company’s grid (mln kWh) 22,850.7 23,008.0 25,221.7 26,062.3 26,860.4 +3.1
Volume of electricity transmission services rendered (mln kWh) 18,874.2 19,108.1 21,004.5 21,947.8 22,624.4 +3.1
Electricity losses (mln kWh) 2,426.4 2,310.8 2,502.1 2,479.5 2,548.4 +2.8
Connected consumer capacity (MW) 797 650 788 795 845 +6.3
Total length of overhead and cable power lines (by circuit) (km) 91,645.93 92,226.11 93,067.0 93,597.1 94,517.6 +1.0
Installed capacity of substations with voltage 35–220 kV (MVA) 10,514.97 11,471.07 11,561.03 11,826.4 12,080.3 +2.1
Installed capacity of 10–6/0.4 kV substations in the distribution grid (MBA) 4,981.68 5,073.26 5,640.37 5,978.038 6,307.5 +5.5
System average interruption duration index, per point of delivery (Isaidi), hour 1.0887 0.8870 4.0939 2.8424 3.3403 +17.5
System average interruption frequency index, per point of delivery (Isaifi), interruptions 0.4675 0.4592 1.2873 1.2195 1.3099 +7.4
Number of disturbances (emergencies) in the 110 kV and above power grid 348 403 391 309 365 +18.1
Sustainable Development
Ratio of employees who received off‑the‑job training to average headcount (%) 106 92 96 144 118 ‑26.0 p.p.
Average number of hours of training per worker (academic hour) 56 64 66 65 70 +7.6
Specific occupational health and safety costs per employee (RUB ‘000) 31.08 40.40 48.93 41.42 48.3 +16.6
Voluntary medical and accident insurance coverage of employees (% of average headcount) 100 100 100 100 100 unchanged
Amount of decommissioning of used trichlorodiphenyl‑containing condensers (under the obligations of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants), pcs. 1,187 0 1,343 731 932 +27.5
Provision of power grid facilities with bird diverters, pcs. 2,304 4,978 4,217 2,977 2,350 ‑21.1
Development of regions of presence
Capital investment utilisation (RUB mln) 6,769 4,658 5,871 11,469 12,579 +9.7
Number of co‑operation agreements with relevant universities and colleges in the region of the Company’s presence 29 30 62 40 55 +37.5
Number of students who completed internships at the Company’s facilities 813 701 468 741 807 +8.9
Volume of tax deductions to federal, regional and local budgets (RUB mln) 4,236.1 3,990.1 5,400.5 6,841.6 7,463.1 +9.1
Electricity delivered to / from Rosseti Kuban’s grid and electricity transmission losses (mln kWh)
Changes in Rosseti Kuban’s key economic indicators (RUB mln)
Capital investments assimilated by the Company in 2019–2023 (RUB mln, excl. VAT)
Amount of dividends declared in the reporting year based on the results of the previous year, in 2019–2023 (RUB mln)
Number of disturbances (emergencies) in the 110 kV and above power grid

845 MW
volume of connected capacity (+6% vs. 2022)
Key Performance Indicators