Corporate Secretary

The Board of Directors of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC elects the Corporate SecretaryThe functions, appointment and displacement procedures, rights and duties of the Corporate Secretary are aligned with the Regulations on the Corporate Secretary as approved by the Board of Directors (published on the website of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC in the About the Company / Constitutive and Internal Documents section). in order to duly comply with the procedure for preparing and holding the General Meeting of Shareholders and for organising the activities of the Board of Directors.

The Corporate Secretary is the official of Rosseti Kuban that makes sure that the Company complies with the laws of the Russian Federation, the Articles of Association, and internal documents that guarantee the exercise of rights and legal interests of the Company’s shareholders. The Corporate Secretary reports to the Board of Directors, which determines the provisions of the Corporate Secretary contract, the amount and the payment procedures for the remuneration, and the bonus principles.

The Corporate Secretary submits an annual report on his/her work to the Board of Directors for approval, which is to be previously reviewed by the Personnel and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors.

Persons who acted as the Company’s Corporate Secretary during the reporting year

Year of birth 1967

Higher. Graduated from:

  • Krasnodar Polytechnic Institute, with major in Economics and Organisation of Food Products Industry, Economist Engineer
  • Ural Academy of Public Service, with major in Jurisprudence, Lawyer

Completed professional retraining in organisational management at Bauman Moscow State Technical University based at Kubanenergo Training Centre

Graduated from advanced training courses in Corporate Secretary speciality at Russian School of Management

Primary employment and position held Chief Specialist of the Corporate Support Department of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC
Participation in governing bodies of other organisations over the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2018 2023 Did not hold positions in the governing bodies of other organisations
Period of acting as the Company's corporate secretary 20 July 2011 to 8 June 2023
Year of birth 1975

Higher. Graduated from Kuban State Agrarian University, with major in Jurisprudence, Lawyer.

Completed professional retraining at Bauman Moscow State Technical University under the programme on Management. Controlling in the Electric Power Industry.

Graduated from advanced training courses at Non‑State Educational Institution “Moscow International Institute of Econometrics, Informatics, Finance And Law” under the programme on Fundamentals of Property Management in RAO UES of Russia S&As

Primary employment and position held Head of the Corporate Support Department of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC
Participation in governing bodies of other organisations over the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2016 2021 Energetik Health Resort, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
2018 2020 Energoservice Kuban, JSC
Period of acting as the Company's corporate secretary Since 8 June 2023

Persons who acted as the Corporate Secretary of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC in the reporting year:

  • Did not own the Company shares or made transactions with them during the reporting yearAccording to the data provided to the Company by the persons who acted as the Corporate Secretary in the reporting year.;
  • Had no family ties with people who are members of the bodies that manage and/or control the financial and economic activities of the Company
  • Was not held administratively liable for financial improprieties, offence regarding tax and fees or security market, or had any criminal record for economic crimes or crimes against the state
  • Did not hold positions in governing bodies of commercial organisations during the period, when bankruptcy proceedings and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures under the Russian insolvency (bankruptcy) laws were initiated against these organisations
  • Had no conflicts of interest (including those related to participation in the management bodies of the Company’s competitors) in the reporting year
  • Received no loans (credits) from the Company

On 15 June 2023, the Board of Directors approved the Corporate Secretary’s report for the 2022/2023 corporate year containing, inter alia:

  • Statistical information on holding meetings of the Board of Directors
  • Information on absence of observations from Board members and their committees on the activities of the Company’s Corporate Secretary
  • Information on the functions performed by the Corporate Secretary of the Company in the reporting period as the secretary of the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, support of the current activities of the Board of Directors, etc.