Key indicators

Results of the Company’s production activities for 2021–2023
Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Change 2023/2022 (%)
Delivery to the grid, mln kWh 25,221.7 26,062.3 26,860.4 +3.1%
Electricity delivered from the grid to customers and related territorial grid organisations within the area of balance and operational responsibility, mln kWh 22,719.6 23,582.8 24,312.0 +3.1%
Losses of electricity in transmission:
mln kWh 2,502.1 2,479.5 2,548.4 +2.8%
% 9.920 9.514 9.488 –0.03 p.p.
Volume of electricity transmission services provided:
mln kWh 21,004.5 21,947.8 22,624.4 +3.1%
RUB mln 54,526.3 61,452.9 71,207.1 +15.9%

In the reporting year, actual electricity losses in the power grids of Rosseti Kuban amounted to 2,548 million kWh, or 9.49% of the delivery to the grid.

The Company’s operations in 2023 resulted in total volume of electricity transmission services of 22,624 million kWh, up 677 million kWh, or 3.1% year‑on‑year.