Presentation of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC

In the Krasnodar Territory (including Sochi), the Republic of Adygeya, and the federal territory of Sirius, Rosseti Kuban transmits and distributes electricity to consumers on 110 kV and lower power grids between populated areas, in rural settlements, individual cities, and district centres.

To ensure the availability of electric power infrastructure and the development of the power grid complex, the Company offers connections to its power grids.

Rosseti Kuban, PJSC also provides a wide range of additional services, including maintenance of consumers’ power grid facilities, arrangement of outdoor lighting, placement of telecommunications equipment, etc.

In the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygeya. As the largest in the region taxpayer, the Company actively participates in the social and economic life of the region by fostering employment opportunities for workers of suppliers in related industries, organising a variety of social programmes, and contributing to charitable endeavours.

Rosseti Kuban is a public company with stock admitted to trading on the Moscow Stock Exchange.

The Company runs its core business under natural monopoly conditions, with state regulation as to:

  • Setting tariffs for electricity transmission services and fees for grid connection of consumer terminals to the Company’s power grid
  • Giving non‑discriminatory access to the above‑mentioned services on equal footing

Position of Rosseti Kuban in UES of Russia and IES of South in terms of electricity delivery to the Company’s grid in 2021–2023Source: Functional reports on UES of Russia published by SO UPS, JSC atthe website. (bln kWh)

Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Rosseti Kuban’s share in 2023
Electricity consumption in UES of Russia 1,090.4 1,106.3 1,121.6 2.4
Including in IES of South 108.3 111.0 113.5 23.5
Including Rosseti Kuban

(electricity delivery to the Company’s grid)

25.2 26.1 26.7 100.0

Company’s share in the regional market of electricity transmission services for 2021–2023 (%)

Key characteristics of the Company as of the end of 2023

Volume of service 775,060


including power grids — 416,730 c.u.
Total length of power transmission lines 94,520 km (by chain)
Number of 35–220 kV substations, 6–10(35)/0.4 kV transformer substations 26,570
Power grid branches 11
Design capacity utilisation rate of an energy system 6,057 MW


Maximum allowable design capacity of an energy systemOnly for 110 kV substations. 9,369.3 MVA
Total number of points of delivery to consumers connected to Rosseti Kuban’s power grids 1,262,854

Company’s service territory

Rosseti Kuban is the largest power grid company in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygeya. The Company’s share in the regional electricity transmission market in 2023 was 77.1% of the regional required gross revenue (RGR). The largest companies engaged in similar activities in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygeya include: Kuban Power Grids, JSC, Oboronenergo, JSC, Russian Railways, JSC and Neftegaztekhnologiya‑Energiya, JSC.

We have reason to assume that the Company will continue to hold a dominating position in the local electricity transmission market due to the high rates of renovation and renewal of its power grid infrastructure as well as the continually increasing number of grid connections.