Implementation of the Digital Transformation Programme
On 18 November 2022, the Board of Directors of the Company approved the updated programme on Digital Transformation of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC for the period until 2030 (Minutes No. 499/2022 dated 21 November 2022), hereinafter referred to as the Programme. It embraces a number of functional areas of the Rosseti Group’s digital transformation strategy.
The Programme aims to increase the Company’s operational efficiency across all functional areas in both traditional and emerging service markets.
Major projects included in the Digital Transformation Programme, broken down by areas of Rosseti Group’s digital transformation strategy
Sr. No.
Outcome planned
Operational, technological and situational management
Development of the automated power equipment repair management system (APERMC) in terms of integration with the production asset management system on the 1C platform (hereinafter — PAMS)
Enhancement of the APERMC
Design of the APERMC‑PAMS integration mechanism
Creation of an automated motor transport management system
Automation of transport management
Operation and diagnostics
Works on the development of the PAMS in terms of integration with the APERMC
Integration of the PAMS with the APERMC
Automation of multi‑year and annual planning schedules and reporting forms for diagnostic works, with due regard for the requirements of the Company's local regulations governing the processes of diagnostics of power grid facilities equipment
Automation of the planning and adjustment of the diagnostics programme considering the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, the technical condition of the equipment and the maintenance and repair activities carried out.
Improvement of the control over the formation of the equipment diagnostics programme.
Automation of control over the deadlines for the execution of the diagnostic programme for the equipment of power grid facilities
Automated rate setting of the Company's emergency reserve, its acquisition, rotation, utilisation and replenishment in PAMS
Improvement of the control over the state of the emergency reserve.
Automation of emergency reserve acquisition and rotation planning, recording and chronological accounting of these operations
Automated process of recording and analysing emergency outages at 35 kV and above substations and power lines in the PAMS
Improvement of the planning of maintenance and repair, retrofitting and renovation activities
Pilot project to automate the methodology for calculating the planned coefficient of non‑worked time for the PGR (main power grid enterprises) and the report on labour productivity of personnel engaged in maintenance and repair, using the coefficient of non‑worked time.
Automation of the calculation methodology for the planned coefficient of non‑worked time by PGR (main power grid enterprises);
Report on labour productivity of the personnel engaged in maintenance and repair, taking into account the coefficient of non‑worked time
R&D: Development of a software package for the assessment and prediction of the technical condition and propagation of defects in 35–110 kV power transformers based on measurements performed by the automated monitoring and diagnostics system, as well as PAMS data, with the provision of relevant recommendations to operating personnel
Software package for the assessment and prediction of the technical condition and propagation of defects in 35–110 kV power transformers based on measurements performed by the automated monitoring and diagnostics system, as well as PAMS data, with the provision of relevant recommendations to operating personnel
R&D: Development of a unified IoT platform for dispatching data about the status of substation equipment
An IoT platform software complex designed to collect, process, store and transfer data from various types of monitoring devices into a unified system so that the data can be used for calculating diagnostic parameters and forecasting their development
Creation of a distributed automation system in 6‑10 kV distribution grids of Seversky PGR, branch of Rosseti Kuban, Krasnodar Power Grids and Dagomyssky PGR branch, Rosseti Kuban, Sochi Power Grids (design and survey)
Upgrading of the distribution grid and automation complex in general, aimed at reducing commercial and technological losses in the 6–10kV distribution grid
Sales of services and commercial electricity metering
Creation of a smart metering system for the retail electricity (capacity) market
Implementation of smart metering information flows within a single enterprise service bus.
Adoption of a unified platform for smart electricity metering.
Development and implementation of unified data transfer protocols
Information security
Establishment of a system to protect critical information infrastructure facilities of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC
Information security system at significant critical information infrastructure facilities
R&D: Automated classification of accidents based on machine learning methods
The system is designed to automate and analyse information security events by configuring and implementing algorithms for automatic classification of local area network node behaviour and user actions based on machine learning methods
Human resources management
Integration of the Company's PAMS with the automated HR management system in line with the standard ToRs
Integration of the PAMS with the automated human resources management system
In the reporting year, the Company was involved in the 14 projects in five functional areas of Rosseti Group’s digital transformation strategy. The Programme’s project funding plan for 2023 was RUB 204.3 million, the actual project funding amounted to RUB 61 million. During the reporting period, five projects were completed.
The programme contains a plan of transition to the predominant use of domestic radio‑electronic products until 2024 and an action plan for software import substitution for 2022–2024.
The share of expenses on procurement of Russian software and related works (services) in the total expenses on procurement of software and related works (services) in 2023 was 98%, which is 8 p.p. higher than in the Programme. Investments in domestic IT solutions totalled RUB 518 million.
The expenditure on the purchase of Russian radioelectronic products accounted for 79% of the total expenditure on the purchase of radioelectronic products in 2023. Investments in Russian radioelectronic products totalled RUB 143.22 million.
61 RUB mln
funding for digital transformation projects in 2023
5 projects
in digital transformation completed
share of expenditures on the purchase of Russian software
Based on Rosseti’s Order No. 345/228 dated 19 July 2022, the Digital Transformation Programme was updated in 2022 to comply with new forms and updated methodological recommendations.