Staff Training and Development

Employee training is one of the priorities of the Company’s human resources and social policies; it is regulated by the following documents:

  • Rules for Personnel Management in the Electric Power Industry of the Russian Federation approved by Order No. 796 of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated 22 September 2020
  • Personnel Management Procedure of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC approved by the Company’s Order No. 300‑od dated 3 May 2023
  • Regulations on Personnel Training at Rosseti Kuban, PJSC, approved by Company Order No. 681‑od dated 26 November 2020
  • Other regulatory documents and prescriptions and recommendations of the supervisory authorities

The Company’s main provider of educational services is the in‑house training centre, the Energy Institute for Continuing Education of Kubanenergo (hereinafter referred to as the Institute). In the reporting year, the share of the Institute’s trainees was 94% of the total number of the Company’s employees trained.

Training of Rosseti Kuban personnel in 2021–2023
Indicator UoM 2021 2022 2023 Change 2023/2022 (%)
Number of employees who participated in off‑the‑job training programmes / ratio to average staffing number people / % 8,530/96 12,609/144 10,319/118 ‑18.2 / ‑26 p.p.
  • including occupational health and safety / ratio to average staffing number
people / % 1,095/12.33 6,657/76 5,526/62.25 ‑17.0 / ‑13.75 p.p.
  • including employees trained at in‑house training centres / ratio to the total number of employees who received off‑the‑job training
people / % 7,695/90 11,485/91 9,720/94 ‑15.4 / +3 p.p.
Number of production personnel who received off‑the‑job training people 7,328 10,433 9,510 ‑8.8
  • including hosted by the Institute
people 6,963 10,039 9,116 ‑9.2
Distribution of the employees who took part in off‑the‑job training programmes by category (executives, white collars, blue collars) %

Executives — 40.8%

White collars — 18.7%

Blue collars — 40.5%

Executives — 52.1%

White collars — 20.7%

Blue collars — 27.2%

Executives — 43.0%

White collars — 16.2%

Blue collars — 40.8%

Management staff: ‑9.1 p.p.

White collars: ‑4.5 p.p.

Blue collars: +13.6 p.p.

Number of employees who participated in educational programmes delivered through distance learning people 2,821 2,894 1,872 ‑35.3
Average number of training hours per employee by gender man/hour

Women — 36

Men — 76

Women — 40

Men — 75

Women — 36

Men — 84

Women: + 11.1

Men: ‑10.7

With the existing ratio of the off‑the‑job trainees in 2023 to the average headcount, the key indicator (30%) of the Company’s Human Resources and Social Policy is achieved.

In 2023, the number of training programmes delivered by the Institute through distance learning decreased due to changes in legislation, which necessitated training exclusively in the format of face‑to‑face learning (both theoretical and practical).

A significant share of the personnel falling under managers and blue‑collars categories in the total number of the trained personnel is explained by the mandatory nature of training for such categories and training frequency required by regulatory documents.

Breakdown of off‑the‑job trainees by categories in 2021–2023 (people)
Training costs in 2021–2023 (RUB ‘000)
Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Change 2023/2022, %
Total training costs 76,259 87,563 89,899 +2.66

by the Institute
65,130 76,681 80,678 +5.21
by third‑party educational institutions 11,128 10,881 9,221 ‑15.2
Changes in the Company’s personnel training costs (RUB ‘000)

Every year, the Institute trains about 10,000 students in more than 350 educational programmes aligned with the requirements of professional standards and applicable regulatory documents.

The Institute provides services in the following areas:

  • Training in professional education programmes (training, retraining, advanced training of workers), continuing professional education programmes (professional retraining, advanced training of engineering staff)
  • Conducting topic‑related workshops and hands‑on training aimed at developing corporate and managerial competencies
  • Holding championships and vocational skills competitions at various levels under the Skills and Occupations Development Agency methodology
  • Hosting conferences, scientific and technical round tables with the participation of manufacturers and developers of state‑of‑the‑art equipment
  • Preparing teams for professional skill competitions

The Institute is accredited and has a notification from the Russian Ministry of Labour of its inclusion in the register of organisations providing education in occupational safety and health; the programmes are based on modern, innovative technologies using the latest training tools and methods. During the training period, students are provided with the necessary study materials, visual aids, handouts in the relevant areas of training.

In 2023, Rosseti’s innovative project for live work, which had been launched for the Company’s employees in 2020, was continued.

In 2023, 36 people were trained in the programme of Live Works on Overhead and Cable Power Lines and Switchgear of up to 1,000 V.

From 23 May to 25 May 2023, Rosseti Kuban PJSC hosted the All‑Russian Scientific and Technical Conference — Ways to Improve Reliability, Efficiency, and Safety of Energy Production — in Divnomorskoye settlement, Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Territory. The event was attended by heads of the technical and servicing units of Rosseti South and Rosseti Kuban, as well as managers and specialists of power equipment manufacturers: RiM, JSC, Tavrida Elektrik YuSK, JSC, Energoservice Kuban, JSC, Matrix, JSC, PO Eltechnika, LLC, MIR, Inc, PC Elektrokoncept, TD Uncomtekh, LLC, SVEL Group, JSC, and others. The purpose of the event is to exchange advanced experience and knowledge in the power industry.

The Institute implements the Pre‑University project for 11th grade schoolchildren as part of the School—College—University—Work Continuous Education Programme and for the purpose of admission to a specialised higher education institution under appropriate quotas.

In order to provide career guidance to young people, the Institute and a branch of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC hosted Open Doors Days for schoolchildren and students of relevant higher and specialised secondary educational institutions.

The working months for the student energy teams of Rosseti Kuban and Rosseti South were organised, as part of which the following events were held:

  • Industrial practice at the Company branches and the first entry in the employment record‑book of a future power industry specialist
  • Training under additional education programmes
  • Professional skills competitions
  • Educational and developmental events
  • Hackathon
  • Independent assessment of participants’ qualifications and obtaining the relevant certificates
  • Championship in practical skills of UAV control using DJI Flight Simulator software

The final stage was the holding of developmental events, visionary lectures, a creative competition, and an athletic contest for students in the village of Shepsi, the Krasnodar Territory.

Significant events of 2023 hosted by the Institute:

  • Regional professional skills competition, Best in Profession, in the nomination: Best Electrician for Repair and Maintenance of Distribution Network Equipment (23 August 2023 to 25 August 2023). The event was held to improve the interaction between grid companies in the Krasnodar Territory in case of emergency, to enhance the professionalism of distribution grid operation personnel, and to disseminate the best practices. The competition was attended by teams from Rosseti Kuban, PJSC, Kuban Power Grids, JSC, and Energoservice Kuban, JSC.
  • Scientific and technical conference on the development of the Company’s power grid complex. Its participants discussed further prospects for improving the operation of power grids, ensuring compliance with occupational safety in the areas of electric grids, and the peculiarities of the operation of high‑voltage overhead lines, substations, and distribution/cable networks. Within the framework of the conference, a FreshBiz transformation game was held, the goals of which were to practice management strategies, the ability to manage a team under varied conditions, team building, responsibility for decision‑making and implementation of decisions made, and determine the level of managerial competence of the participants as well.
  • A meeting on systematizing the occupational safety activities run at Rosseti Kuban, PJSC and establishing an occupational safety management system and safety culture at Rosseti Kuban, PJSC in accordance with international practice and the experience of pursuing such objectives in large Russian companies. The purpose of the event was to delve deeper into the strategy of developing and improving the Company’s safety culture.

In addition to the Institute, the key suppliers of educational services to the Company are the following institutions:

  • Federal Budget Institution “Learning and Training Centre” of Rostechnadzor
  • State Educational Institution of Supplementary Professional Education “Training and Methodological Centre for Civil Defence and Emergency Situations of the Krasnodar Territory”
  • Autonomous Non‑Profit Organisation of Additional Professional Education “SoftLine Education”
  • Scientific and Educational Centre “EKRA”
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education “St. Petersburg Power Engineering Institute of Professional Development”
  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kuban State Technological University”, etc.

Occupational health and safety and fire safety remain the key areas of training.

To implement the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 806 dated 18 November 2021, advance training (re‑training) under the “Fire Safety” programme continues.

In order to ensure the best adaptation to new economic and social conditions and to expand the qualifications of specialists, in 2023, a programme of advance training (re‑training) in “Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering” was launched and covered 45 trainees.

To enable employees to improve their competencies in the safe operation of electrical equipment and the power safety of a facility as a whole, the Institute implemented training under the “Relay Protection and Automation” programme for employees of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC and Rosseti South, PJSC. The practical part of the training was hosted by the Private Institution of Additional Professional Education “Interregional Energy Institute of the South”, with the engagement of specialists from RADIUS Avtomatika, JSC.

To develop a talent pool of top and mid‑level managers, as well as experienced specialists and those who are in the talent pool for managerial positions, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration provided training under the advanced training programmes: “Top Manager. Project Management” and “Top Manager. Modern Technologies in Team Management”.

In 2024, the Company will continue running the advance training (re‑training) “Electrical Power Systems and Grids” programme based on a networking cooperation agreement concluded with the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Platov South Russian State Polytechnic University”. The programme is aimed at acquiring knowledge in the design and operation of electric power systems and electric grids of various levels, which will allow trainees to successfully solve practical tasks in their professional activity. At the end of the training, the Platov South Russian State Polytechnic University issues its diplomas about retraining, thus granting the qualification Specialist in the Field of Electric Power Systems and Power Grids and the right to conduct professional activities in the fields of electric power engineering and electrical engineering. In the period from 2021 to 2023, 100 specialists from Rosseti Kuban, PJSC were trained.

Indicators of evaluation procedures of Rosseti Kuban in 2021–2023
Indicator UoM 2021 2022 2023 Change 2023/2022, %
Number of personnel who underwent evaluation procedures/ ratio to average headcount, including people 1,840 1,612 1,309 ‑18.8
  • assessment of competences (corporate and managerial), including recruitment, transfer to a new position, selection to the talent pool, etc.
people 1,391 1,200 1,037 ‑13.6
  • independent assessment of qualification (in qualification assessment centres)
people 449 412 272 ‑34.0
Headcount of talent pools people 342 325 421 +29.5
  • including the management pool
people 242 239 307 +28.5
  • including the youth pool
people 100 86 114 +32.6
Share of leading positions filled by the talent pool % 64.32 62.16 68.47 +6.31 p.p.
Share of leading positions staffed by internal candidates, including from the talent pools % 63.90 53.80 51.7 ‑2.1 p.p.

In the reporting year, 272 employees of the Company (3.1% of the average headcount) were sent for independent qualification assessment to the Energia Qualification Assessment Centre (a branch of Energetik Health Resort, JSC); out of those, 229 successfully passed the professional examination and confirmed their professional qualification. Around 1,037 people took part in the assessment of the Company’s needs in the comprehensive assessment of managers by the Assessment Centre method, the assessment of the professional competences of specialists and managers, and the psychodiagnostic assessment in 2023.