Youth Policy

The Company’s Youth Policy covers the activities within three key areas:

  • Early career guidance of schoolchildren
  • Practice‑oriented training of personnel in educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher education
  • Professional development of junior specialists –— employees of the Company
Youth Policy Indicators of Rosseti Kuban PJSC in 2021–2023
Indicator UoM 2021 2022 2023 Change 2023/2022
Number of schoolchildren participating in career guidance projects of the Rosseti Group people 71 31 94 +203%
Number of partner universities/colleges in the regions where the Company operates ea 40 40 41 +3%
Number of university/college students trained under company‑sponsored training contracts people 50 60 80 +33%
Number of university/college students who completed internships with the Company people 468 741 807 +9%
Number of university/college graduates employed by the Company in the reporting year people 39 63 62 ‑2%
Number of young professionals who participated in corporate, regional or federal level competitions, forums, conferences people 6 10 10 0%

The Company carries out comprehensive work with schoolchildren, including organising open days, career guidance lessons, energy safety lessons, and study tours to the facilities of the Company’s branches. The total number of sponsored schoolchildren participating in career guidance projects run by Rosseti Kuban, PJSC in 2023 was over 18.000. The All-Russian Olympiad for Rosseti Group students is being hosted in order to prepare professionals to fill future staffing demands. For schoolchildren, this is a unique opportunity to test themselves and learn about current issues and trends in the power industry by solving unusual and interesting problems. In 2023, 292 schoolchildren of grades 9 to 11 who represented the regions where the Company operates competed in the competition.

Vocational guidance is offered to schoolchildren in order to develop their interest in the power industry and to help them enter universities and colleges in their fields of study. As of 31 December 2023, 55 cooperation agreements with educational institutions in the region of the Company’s presence were in force, including those with partner universities: Kuban State Agrarian University and Kuban State Technological University.

The main areas of cooperation with universities and colleges are targeted education, practice‑oriented training, vocational guidance, and the management of student teams.

As of the end of the reporting period, 80 students were studying at core universities under Company‑sponsored training contracts, of which 28 contracts will be concluded in 2023. The focus areas of Company‑sponsored training include Electric Power and Electrical Engineering Agro‑Engineering, with major courses: Electrical Technologies and Electrical Equipment, Information Systems and Technologies.

The total number of students who took internships at the Company’s facilities in the reporting year was 807 (741 students in 2022). In 2023, 109 students from partner universities took part in 10 student teams during the summer work season.

The Company also implemented a range of events for student team members to delve deeper into the profession and develop practical skills. Those included training in working professions at the corporate training centre, preparation, and passing a professional exam to obtain the following qualifications: Electrician for Maintenance and Repair of Overhead Transmission Lines (Qualification Level 3) and Electrician for Maintenance of Metering Devices (Qualification Level 3). Practical drills were organised to develop managerial and professional competences: students took part in a hackathon, professional skills competitions, and an athletic contest.

In order to develop the competences of the Company’s young specialists in the field of project activities and implementation of best practices and to promote the formation of inter‑corporate communities, five employees of the Company in 2023 became participants of the Forum of Young Specialists’ Communities “Forsazh”, and another five employees took part in the International Engineering Championship (League of Young Specialists).