Grid Connection Services

Alexander Chepusov

Based on the 2023 results, the approved grid connection targets were over‑achieved over the year. The demand for grid connections has continued to be quite strong. In the reporting period — on average, at least 40,000 applications are received per year. the Company concluded more than 32,000 contracts for grid connection with a total capacity of more than 859 MW, 35,000 contracts were executed for a connected capacity of 845 MW.

The Company supervises the execution of the grid connection procedure at all its stages and levels and implements organisational and technical corrective actions in order to ensure quick processing of applications and completion of grid connection agreements.

Given the well‑established cooperation between utility providers and regional and local authorities, the Company will continue to work on continuous improvement of its grid connection performance going forward, thus strengthening its image as a customer‑oriented company.

ALEXANDER CHEPUSOV Deputy General Director for Development and Power Grid Connection

Rendering high‑quality services for applicants, ensuring the availability of the electric power infrastructure in terms of grid connection of consumers, developing the power grid complex, and eliminating power grid restrictions for grid connection of new consumers and providing high‑quality and reliable power supply to existing electricity consumers are the near‑term grid connection goals of Rosseti Kuban.

The key documents, which regulate the Company’s activities related to grid connection of consumer terminals (power installations) of legal entities and individuals to Rosseti Kuban’s power grids:

  • Federal Law No. 35‑FZ “On Electric Power Industry” dated 26 March 2003
  • Rules for Grid Connection of Consumer Terminals of Electricity Consumers, Generating Facilities and Grid Facilities Owned by Grid Organisations and Other Entities to Power Grids approved by Decree No. 861 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 27 December 2004
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation On Pricing in the Field of Regulated Prices (Tariffs) in the Electric Power Industry No. 1178 dated 29 December 2011
  • Order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia “On Approval of the Guidelines for Determining the Grid Connection Fee” No. 490/22 dated 30 June 2022

A complete list of regulatory legal documents, detailed information on the grid connection procedure in Rosseti Kuban is publicly available on the Company’s website www.rosseti‑ in the  To Consumers / Grid Connectionsection.

Changes in indicators on grid connection of consumers for 2021–2023 are given in Appendix 6 to this Report.