Track Record of the Auditing Commission

During 2023, the Auditing Commission of the Company held five meetings in the form of joint attendance, which dealt with issues related to planning the work of the Auditing Commission, the election of its Chairman and Secretary, as well as issues directly related to the conduct of audits.

Decisions of the Company’s Auditing Commission are published on the Company’s official websiteDecisions of the Auditing Commission meetings are published on the Company’s website в разделе in the About the Company / Control of Business Activity / Auditing Commission section..

In 2023, the Company’s financial and economic activities for 2022 were subject to auditing procedure.

The audit programme covered the following issues (Minutes of the meeting of the Auditing Commission No. 2 dated 24 January 2023):

  • Assessment of accuracy of the accounting (financial) statements formed as of 31 December 2022
  • Business and financial analysis of the Company as at 31 December 2022
  • Assessment of the consistency of the Company’s Annual Report 2022
  • Checking whether the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding compliance with the procedure for concluding interested‑party transactions is complied with
  • Verification of the Company’s activities related to the organisation of technological and price audit of progress reports on the investment programme of the Company, as well as measures to eliminate violations and shortcomings contained in the conclusions of expert organisations based on the results of technological and price audit of progress reports on the investment programme of the Company
  • Analysis of the internal control and risk management system
  • Review of the financial management structure (liquidity and treasury operations)
  • Verification of fulfilment of Corrective Action Plans approved based on the results of the Company’s audits in previous years
  • Other issues

The Report of the Auditing Committee was approved by the decision of the Company’s Auditing Committee dated 28 April 2023 (Minutes No. 3 dated 28 April 2023), according to which an opinion was expressed on the reliability of the data in all material respects contained in the Company’s annual report for 2022 and the Company’s annual accounting (financial) statements for 2022.

There were no facts of distortion of the information contained in the report on interested party transactions concluded in 2022.

This Report was included in the materials provided to the Company’s shareholders in preparation for the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company in 2023.
