Reliability Committee

Committee establishment date 15 September 2006
Date and number of the minutes of the Board meeting, at which the Regulations on the Committee (as amended) were approved No. 281/2017, dated 21 July 2017.
Key tasks of the Committee

Drawing up and giving recommendations (conclusions) to the Board of Directors on the following aspects of its activities:

  • Expert evaluation of production programmes, plans for technical retrofitting, renovation, new construction and repair of power grid facilities, analysis of their development and execution in terms of ensuring the requirements for reliability of operation and technical condition of the power grids
  • Evaluation of the completeness and adequacy of measures taken based on accident investigation results, as well as control over their implementation
  • Expert evaluation of the quality of investigations of the causes of disturbances (accidents)
  • Expert evaluation of the Company’s emergency planning activities (emergency preparedness, set‑up and execution of emergency restoration procedures at power grid facilities)
  • Expert evaluation and implementation control for the programmes of prevention and personnel and third‑party injury risk mitigation at the power installations of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC
  • Control and assessment of the Company’s technical services performance in terms of ensuring operational reliability and safety of power grids
  • Expert evaluation of the internal technical control system in the Company
  • Expert evaluation of the occupational safety management system
  • Expert evaluation of the environmental policy implementation programme
  • Expert evaluation of the fire and industrial safety system
Members of the Board of Directors in office in the reporting year

The members of the Committee serving from 14 September 2022 to 27 June 2023The positions of the members of the Board Committees are given at the date of their election.

1. Palina Kanyuka (Committee Chairwoman), Head of Production Activity Department of Rosseti, PJSC

2. Vladimir Mikhailov, Deputy General Director for Technical Issues — Chief Engineer, Member of the Management Board of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC

3. Alexander Pilyugin, Deputy Director of Rosseti branch — Technical Supervision Centre

Current membership of the Committee elected on 14 August 2023:

1. Palina Kanyuka (Committee Chairwoman), Acting Deputy Chief Engineer — Head of the Production Operations Department of Rosseti, PJSC

2. Vladimir Mikhailov, Deputy General Director for Technical Issues — Chief Engineer, Member of the Management Board of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC

3. Alexander Pilyugin, Deputy Director of Rosseti branch — Technical Supervision Centre

Performance results of the Committee in the reporting year Indicator 2021 2022 2023
Number of Committee meetings held 14 17 20
  • Including in person (in mixed format)
Number of issues discussed 30 41 32
Share of issues preliminarily considered by the Committee with preparation of recommendations to the Board of Directors in the total number of issues considered (%) 33.3 34.1 40.6
Average attendance of the Committee meetings by the Committee members (%) 88.8 100 97.9

In the reporting year, the Committee provided the Board of Directors with recommendations on the following crucial issues:

  • On approval of the Company’s internal documents:
    • Sustainable Development Policy and Climate Policy of Rosseti, PJSC as internal documents of the Company
    • Updated programme for the renovation of power grid facilities of the Company
  • On consideration of the following reports:
    • On the fulfilment of the investment programme
    • On implementation of the development plan for the production asset management system
    • On implementation of the digital transformation programme, including the action plan for the transition to the predominant use of domestic software and the plan for the procurement and use of Russian radioelectronic products
    • On achievement of readiness for heating season
    • On delivery on the action plan for the transition to the predominant use of domestic software
    • On the work done by the Reliability Committee in the 2022–2023 corporate year

In the reporting year, the Committee also considered the following issues:

  • Maintenance and repair programme of power facilities
  • Quality assessment of the accident cause investigations and assessment of the adequacy and sufficiency of actions to neutralise them
  • Information on the level of reliability of the services provided by the Company
  • Company’s management reports:
    • On the Company’s performance during the heating and flood periods
    • On the preparedness to the operation in the autumn and winter, heating and flood periods
    • On the delivery of the maintenance and repair programme for the Company’s facilities
    • On the implementation of the action plan to de‑bottleneck the reliable power supply to the Company’s customers
    • On implementation of comprehensive programmes to reduce injury risks for personnel and third parties at the Company’s facilities