Committees under the Board of Directors

In order to provide for the efficient general governance of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC by its Board of Directors, the following committees were established.

Reliability Committee
Audit Committee
Strategy Committee
Personnel and Remuneration Committee
Grid Connection Committee

The committees have the status of collegial advisory bodies to the Board of Directors.

Main tasks and functions of the Committees:

  • Preliminary consideration of the issues within the competence of the Board of Directors or under investigation of the Board of Directors to oversee the activities of the Company’s executive bodies
  • Development of necessary recommendations for the Board of Directors and executive bodies of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC
  • Consideration of other issues by order of the Board of Directors

The activities of each of the Committees are governed by respective RegulationsThe Regulations on the Board of Directors’ Committees of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC are published on the Company’s website in the About the Company / Constitutive and Internal Documents section..

The personal compositions of the committees (with the exception of the Audit Committee and Strategy Committee) and their chairpersons are elected by the Board of Directors of the Company from candidates nominated by members of the Board of Directors, for a term until the first meeting of the new Board of Directors.

Members of Audit and Strategy Committees are elected for a term until the next election of the respective committee.

The work of the committees is aligned with the action plans created after considering the action plan of the Board of Directors, decisions made by the Board of Directors and committees, suggestions made by the committee members, and the General Director.

On 4 October 2023, the Board of Directors reviewed the Committees’ progress reports for the 2022/2023 corporate yearThe reports of Board Committees are published on the Company’s website in the About the Company / Management / Committees under the Board of Directors section..

In the reporting year, all issues to be pre‑considered by the Board Committees were considered by them in a timely manner. Members of the Committees carried out a self‑assessment of their performance for the 2022/2023 corporate year, rating their work and its organisation quite highly and confirming their compliance with the Committee Regulations.

Results of the self‑assessment of the Board committee performance
Sr. No. Committees under the Board of Directors Performance assessment — average scoreThe maximum score is 5.
1 Reliability Committee 4.9
2 Audit Committee 5.0
3 Strategy Committee 4.8
4 Personnel and Remuneration Committee 4.7
5 Grid Connection Committee 4.8

There is a remuneration for the participation of committee members in committee meetings. The overall remuneration amount for the members of the Board Committees in 2023 amounted to RUB 2,864,000. The Company has no outstanding remuneration to the committee members.

Russia's Kuban