Results of the HR Policy

The below are the key objectives of Human Resources and Social Policy of the Company intended to meet the targets of the Russian Power Grid Industry Development Strategy:

  • Planning the workforce requirements — availability of accurate information on current and forecast labour demand, both quantitative and qualitative, as necessary and sufficient to achieve the Company’s objectives
  • Recruiting necessary skills when needed
  • Improving the performance and increasing labour efficiency across the Company

These key objectives of the Human Resources and Social Policy are met by implementing the range of measures in various aspects of the Company activities and achieving the targets set in the following areas:

  • Organisational design
  • Headcount management
  • Human resourcing and personnel development
  • Personnel performance management (personnel motivation)
  • Social benefits and social protection
  • Occupational safety and work culture

The following actions were taken and put into effect in order to maintain a high level of social protection for Rosseti Kuban employees, to offer workers guarantees and compensations, and to reduce the number of diseases among employees of the Company in 2023:

  • Making important amendments and additions to the collective bargaining agreement between the employer and employees of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC for 2023–2025 regarding remuneration, internal labour regulations, and the expansion of benefits, guarantees, and compensations for the Company’s employees
  • Medical examinations of personnel working in harmful and hazardous labour conditions in all branches of the Company;
  • Active training of workers to reduce work‑related accidents and upgrade staff skills
  • Non‑recurrent financial assistance to employees and veterans
  • Health improvement and recreation of employees and their children
  • Fitness and recreational activities, and promoting mass sports in the corporate environment.