Economic security of operations

Ensuring the economic security of operations is one of Rosseti Kuban’s most important tasks.

In the reporting year, to achieve this task, the Company was involved in:

  • Protecting the Company’s interests against external and internal threats of an economic nature
  • Combating the unaccounted electricity consumption and an increase in accounts receivable
  • Interacting with law enforcement and supervisory authorities
  • Checking up:
    • Whistleblowing reports of individuals and legal entities
    • Potential and existing subcontractors of the Company, their business reputation and financial position, and to identify and prevent possible unfair practices on their part
    • People recruited in terms of the credibility of their documents and the existence of compromising information about them

The most significant results of economic security activities of the Company in the reporting year:

  • RUB 3.8 billion in damage caused by the failure of the Company’s counterparty to fulfil its contractual obligations was compensated
  • The Company developed a practice of countering illegal encroachments by unscrupulous applicants for grid connections (splitting of land plots, using front persons, etc.)
  • The amount of damage prevented in 2023 is 6% more than in 2022
  • The process of engaging third‑party service providers to recover doubtful and bad debts under enforcement documents was initiated due to the growing number of enforcement documents on debts for electricity transmission services.
Key performance indicators related to economic security of Rosseti, Kuban, PJSC in 2021–2023
Indicators 2021 2022 2023 Change 2023/2022 (%)
Number of audits carried out with the involvement of security divisions in the area of financial and economic activities to detect, prevent and recover (repay) damage 9,771 10,396 2,347 Decrease by 4.4 times (the deviation is due to changes in the grid reporting methodology)
Anti‑corruption control of the stages of procurement activities (review of analytical notes, issues submitted to meetings of the Central Procurement Body (Central Tender Commission), anti‑corruption expertise of draft agreements, check of procurement participants for possible affiliation with Company employees) 2,124 2,211 1,960 ‑11.4%
Number of considered reports about possible corruption and fraud received through the hotline 21 11 17 +54.5%
Material damage prevented, based on the results of the work completed, RUB mln 132.20 284.06 302.29 +6.4%
Share of security personnel trained in the Company’s human rights policy or specific security procedures and their application, % 29 34 28 ‑6 p.p.