Human Rights

Protecting human rights at Rosseti Kuban, PJSC is an important aspect of the Company’s activities that contributes not only to sustainable business development but also to strengthening trust of employees and consumers.

The Company respects and observes human rights. First and foremost, it ensures equal opportunities and non‑discrimination for all its employees, regardless of their gender, age, race, nationality, religion, or disability. This includes providing a fair system of recruitment, career progression, and workplace safety.

The Company also provides all necessary facilities to ensure interaction with physically challenged consumers.

In particular, the entrance to the main customer service centre is equipped with a lifting platform for low‑mobility groups. Applications for most of the services provided by the Company can be submitted through the relevant electronic tools, and grid connection services can be paid online.

The main customer service centre has a specially equipped kids’ space for customers with small children.

In addition, the Company’s call centre provided employment for two physically challenged people.