Energy Consumption and Energy Saving

In the reporting year, the Company performed the work on energy saving and energy efficiency improvement according to the following documents:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 161 dated 11 February 2021 “On Establishing Requirements for Regional and Municipal Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement Programmes”
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 261‑FZ dated 23 November 2009 “On Energy Saving and Enhanced Energy Efficiency, as well as Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 340 dated 15 May 2010 “On the Procedure for Setting Requirements for Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement Programmes of Organisations Engaged in Regulated Activities”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Investment Programmes of Electric Power Industry Entities” No. 977 dated 1 December 2009 (as amended)
  • Order of REC‑PTD KT “On Approval of Requirements for Programmes in the field of Saving Energy and Improving the Energy Efficiency of Organisations Engaged in Regulated Activities in the Krasnodar Territory” No. 5/2011 dated 31 March 2011
  • Law of the Krasnodar Territory “On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement in the Krasnodar Territory” No. 1912‑KZ dated 3 March 2010
  • The Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement Programme of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC for the period 2023–2027 approved by the decision of the Board of Directors dated 29 June 2022 (Minutes No. 482/2022, hereinafter referred to as the Programme).

To make sure that the Programme is implemented as is right and proper, Rosseti Kuban appointed the persons responsible for arranging and monitoring its fulfilment, and established working groups as well.

Performance targets of the Programme


Reduction of electricity losses in transmission and distribution


Consumption of energy resources for household needs


Number of LED‑based lighting devices

Achievement of the Programme’s targets:

Actual losses of electricity during transmission and distribution through the power grids at the end of 2023 amounted to 9.49% against the plan of 9.41% set by the Programme

the target was not achieved

Consumption of energy resources for household needs at the end of 2023 was 3.78 ths TFOE against the plan of 4.08 ths TFOE 

the target was achieved

The number of lighting devices using LEDs at the end of 2023 is 89% of the total number of used lighting devices against the plan of 75%

the target was achieved

Indicators for energy consumption and energy savings in 2021–2023
Indicators UoM Period
2021 2022 2023 Change 2023/2022, %
Consumption of energy resources for household needs of administrative and industrial buildings thousand TFOE 4.16 3.90 3.78 ‑3.1
RUB mln 123.75 123.39 120.33 ‑2.5
Consumption of natural resources for household needs of administrative and industrial buildings housand m3 69.45 68.43 62.19 ‑9.1
RUB mln 2.62 2.41 2.40 ‑0.4
Motor fuel consumption by motor vehicles and special‑purpose vehicles thousand TFOE 8.79 8.81 8.84 0.3
RUB mln 303.55 327.67 337.24
Amount of energy resources used by the Company in 2023
Sr. No. Types of resources UoM Plan 2023 Actual 2023 Variation, %
1. atomic energy not used
2. thermal energy Gcal 3,120.54 2,956.50 ‑5.3
RUB mln 9.72 7.59 ‑21.9
3. electric energy mln kWh 29.17 27.22 ‑6.7
RUB mln 130.36 112.11 ‑14.0
4. electromagnetic energy not used
5. petroleum not used
6. motor petrol thousand litres 4,201.28 4,428.33 +5.4
RUB mln 183.20 188.00 +2.6
7. diesel fuel thousand litres 3,130.32 3,105.39 ‑0.8
RUB mln 138.20 149.24 ‑8.0
8. furnace fuel oil not used
9. natural gas thousand m3 116.49 83.50 ‑28.3
RUB mln 1.14 0.62 ‑45.6
10. coal not used
11. oil shale not used
12. peat not used