Members of the Auditing Commission

During the reporting year, there were two compositions of the Company’s Auditing Commission.

Members of the Auditing Committee elected at the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company held on 16 June 2023Minutes No. 50 dated 21 June 2023.

Year of birth 1979

Higher. Graduated from:

  • State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Moscow State Law Academy”, with major in Jurisprudence

Completed professional retraining courses in:

  • Institute of Internal Auditors Association, Consultant Auditor
  • IVA Training Centre, LLC, Internal Auditor. Professional level
  • Consulting, Training and Methodological Centre of the Audit Chamber of Russia, LLC, Head of an independent internal control unit. Professional Standard “Specialist in Internal Control (Internal Controller). Level 7”

Positions held or being held by a member of the Auditing Committee in the Issuer and in governing bodies of other organisations for the last three years in chronological order, including part‑time positions (indicating the period during which the person held the said positions):

Period Organisation Position
from to
2020 2022 Did not hold any positions in the Company or in the governing bodies of other organisations
2022 2023 Rosseti Centre and Volga Region, PJSC, Rosseti Siberia, PJSC, Rosseti Volga, PJSC, Rosseti Northen Caucasus, PJSC Member of the Board of Directors
2022 2023 Mobile GTES, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
2023 present time Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Chairman of the Auditing Commission, Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors
Year of birth 1977

Higher. Graduated from:

  • Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law, with major in Finance and Credit
  • Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, with major in State and Municipal Management

Completed advanced training in:

  • Institute of Internal Auditors Association, qualification “Chief Auditor (7th level of qualification)”, date of issue — 23 November 2023

Positions held or being held by a member of the Auditing Committee in the Issuer and in governing bodies of other organisations for the last three years in chronological order, including part‑time positions (indicating the period during which the person held the said positions):

Period Organisation Position
from To
2020 2021 Did not hold any positions in the Company or in the governing bodies of other organisations
2021 present time Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Member of the Auditing Commission
Year of birth 1979

Higher. Graduated from:

  • Amur State University, with major in Finance and Credit

Completed professional retraining courses in:

  • International Academy of Expertise and Assessment, with major in Internal Audit and Control in Commercial Organisations and advanced training courses in Internal Audit

Completed advanced training in:

  • Enterprise Reform Centre, LLC, qualification certificate (Ministry of Labour Order No. 398n) Code E qualification 7 “management (governance) of the internal audit service”, date of issue — 1 December 2021

Positions held or being held by a member of the Auditing Committee in the Issuer and in governing bodies of other organisations for the last three years in chronological order, including part‑time positions (indicating the period during which the person held the said positions):

Period Organisation Position
from to
2020 2021 Did not hold any positions in the Company or in the governing bodies of other organisations
2021 present time Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Member of the Auditing Commission
Year of birth 1974

Higher. Graduated from:

  • Samara State Academy of Economics, with major in Economics and Management at Enterprises

Completed advanced training in:

  • Institute of Internal Auditors Association, qualification “Internal Audit Expert (7th level of qualification)”, date of issue — 13 October 2022

Positions held or being held by a member of the Auditing Committee in the Issuer and in governing bodies of other organisations for the last three years in chronological order, including part‑time positions (indicating the period during which the person held the said positions):

Period Organisation Position
from to
2020 2023 Did not hold any positions in the Company or in the governing bodies of other organisations
2023 present time Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Member of the Auditing Commission
Year of birth 1975

Higher. Graduated from:

  • Moscow State Mining University, with major in Informatics and Computer Science, and a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering and Technology
  • Moscow State Mining University, with major in Information and Software CAD, Master’s degree in Engineering and Technology
  • Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), with major in Finance and Credit

Completed advanced training in:

  • State Budgetary Educational Institution “Professional” Centre on the programme “Accounting and Taxation”
  • Institute of Internal Auditors Association, qualification “Chief Auditor (7th level of qualification)”, date of issue — 10 October 2022

Positions held or being held by a member of the Auditing Committee in the Issuer and in governing bodies of other organisations for the last three years in chronological order, including part‑time positions (indicating the period during which the person held the said positions):

Period Organisation Position
from to
2020 2023 Did not hold any positions in the Company or in the governing bodies of other organisations
2023 present time Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Member of the Auditing Commission

Composition of the Auditing Commission elected at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company on 16 June 2022Minutes No. 48 dated 21 June 2022 and effective from 17 June 2022 to 16 June 2023

Year of birth 1980

Higher. Graduated from:

  • Civil Aviation Academy, with major in Jurisprudence
  • National Research University MPEI, with major in Production Management and Project Management

Positions held or being held by a member of the Auditing Committee in the Issuer and in governing bodies of other organisations for the last three years in chronological order, including part‑time positions (indicating the period during which the person held the said positions):

Period Organisation Position
from to
2020 2021 Did not hold any positions in the Company or in the governing bodies of other organisations
2021 2023 Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Chairwoman of the Auditing Commission
Year of birth 1972

Higher. Graduated from:

  • Syktyvkar State University, with major in Finance and Credit

Positions held or being held by a member of the Auditing Committee in the Issuer and in governing bodies of other organisations for the last three years in chronological order, including part‑time positions (indicating the period during which the person held the said positions):

Period Organisation Position
from to
2020 2022 Did not hold any positions in the Company or in the governing bodies of other organisations
2022 2023 Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Member of the Auditing Commission
Year of birth 1980

Higher. Graduated from:

  • Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Government of Moscow, with major in Jurisprudence

Positions held or being held by a member of the Auditing Committee in the Issuer and in governing bodies of other organisations for the last three years in chronological order, including part‑time positions (indicating the period during which the person held the said positions):

Period Organisation Position
from to
2020 2022 Did not hold any positions in the Company or in the governing bodies of other organisations
2022 2023 Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Member of the Auditing Commission



The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company held on 16 June 2023 re‑elected V. Tsarkov and S. Trishina to the Auditing Commission. For more details about them, please see above.

Members of the Auditing Commission have no shares in the authorised capital of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC and its S&As.

There were no transactions between the Company and the members of the Auditing Commission in 2023. Rosseti Kuban, PJSC did not file claims against members of the Auditing Commission.

Based on the questionnaires provided by the members of the Auditing Commission, the Company considers that:

  • The members of the Auditing Commission have no family ties (spouses, parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren) with members of the Board of Directors, members of the collegial executive body, a person holding the position (performing functions) of the sole executive body of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC
  • The members of the Auditing Commission were not held administratively liable for violations in the field of finance, taxes and fees, securities market, or criminally liable (including record of conviction) for economic and (or) public‑order crimes
  • The members of the Auditing Commission did not hold positions in governing bodies of commercial organisations during the period, when bankruptcy proceedings and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures under Article 27 of the Federal Law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” were initiated against those organisations