Shares and Dividends

Authorised capital and authorised shares

Indicator At the beginning of 2023 As at the end of 2023
Type, category, kind, form of issuance of securities Ordinary registered uncertified shares
Nominal value of each share RUB 100
Authorised capital 33,465,783,700
Number of outstanding shares 363,300,457 398,966,076
State registration number of the securities issue and state registration date No. 1‑02‑00063‑A dated 8 July 2003 (main issue), No. 1‑02‑00063‑A dated 1 April 2021 (additional share issue)
Presence/absence of a special right of the Russian Federation to participate in the Company’s management (“golden share”) No special right of the Russian Federation to participate in the management of the Company (“golden share”)
Availability of authorised shares in accordance with the Articles of Association 142,649,400 ordinary shares with a total par value of RUB 14,264,940,000
Number of own shares on the Company's balance sheet 0
Number of shares of the Company owned by its controlled entities 0

The placement of additional issue shares, which commenced in 2021, continued in the reporting year. The authorised capital of the Company did not change over the reporting year.

The Company did not place any preferred shares.

The Articles of Association of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC states that each registered ordinary share of the Company grands the equal scope of rights to its holder. The rights of the shareholders are specified in the Company’s Articles of Association.

Shareholders are bound to abide the statutory requirements of the Russian Federation, the Company’s Articles of Association and other by‑laws, not to disclose confidential information and information that constitutes trade secrets, to bear the risk of losses related to the Company’s activities within the value of their shares.

Change in the Company’s authorised capital (RUB mln)