Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The Company recognises the importance of all 17 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Considering the particulars of its operations, the Company determines nine UN Sustainable Development Goals it can contribute most to.

Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
UN Sustainable Development Goals with description Contribution of the Company to the achievement of the goals
Goal 3. Good Health and Well‑Being (ensure healthy lives and promote well‑being for all at all ages)

The Company strives to ensure the safety of the general public and to preserve the health and welfare of its employees in the conduct of its operations through:

  • Safe working conditions and labour protection
  • Health and life insurance for personnel
  • Promotion of sporting lifestyles

For more details, please see the Human Resources Management, Occupational Health and Safety subsections.

Goal 4. Quality Education (ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all)

Employee training is among the priority areas. Recognising the specific nature of knowledge and skills required for work at power grid facilities, the Company assists in the development of employees’ professional skills by:

  • Training, retraining and professional development of personnel
  • Development of the corporate personnel training system
  • Enhancement of the training of new specialists for the power grid sector
  • Co‑operation with vocational universities and collages

For more details, please see the Human Resources Management subsection.

Goal 7. Affordable and Clean Energy (ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all)

The Company secures reliable, high‑quality and accessible electricity supply at affordable charges for the services provided to consumers by:

  • Fulfilment of regulatory requirements for the operation of power grids to maintain the established indicators of reliability and quality of power supply to consumers
  • Simplification of the procedure for grid connection of consumer terminals and generation facilities (including renewable energy sources)
  • Qualitative and timely implementation of investment projects in the area of grid connection
  • Minimisation of the consumer’s costs in accessing electricity
  • Improvement of energy efficiency and reduction of power losses
  • Improvement of the customer service quality
  • Development of electronic services for customers

For more details, please see the Customer Relations subsection.

Goal 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth (promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all)

Rosseti Kuban, PJSC offers guaranteed opportunities for the comprehensive development of its employees and ensures decent labour conditions by:

  • Creation of jobs in the regions of operations
  • Appointment of employees primarily from the internal managerial talent pool
  • Decent wages and working conditions and respect for employees’ rights
  • Collective bargaining
  • Provision of compensations, social benefits and guarantees to employees
  • Higher labour productivity
  • Reduction of work‑related injuries

For more details, please see the Human Rights, Human Resources Management subsections.

Goal 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation)

The Company encourages the innovation and sustainable, green infrastructure through:

  • Preservation and upgrade of power grid facilities
  • Implementation of investment projects
  • Implementation of the digital transformation strategy
  • Technological and innovative development

For more details, please see the Innovation Activities subsection.

Goal 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities (make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable)

The Company ensures the safety of cities and settlements through the following:

  • Reliability and stability of power supply to consumers
  • Implementing projects within the framework of the national goal: Comfortable and Safe Living Environment
  • Providing grid connection services to consumers, organizing outdoor lighting and metering of electricity
  • Developing a network of charging stations for public and private electric vehicles in the regions of the Company’s presence
  • Application of technical architectural solutions that promote the rational use of land in cities and settlements, as well as preserving their architectural scene

For more details, please see the Reliable and Efficient Operation of the Energy System subsection.

Goal 12. Responsible Consumption and Production (ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns)

The Company adheres to the policy of rational consumption and production with the help of the following:

  • Improvement of energy efficiency and reduction of losses
  • Preferential use of clean technologies that do not cause significant environmental impact
  • Rational utilisation of natural resources in the course of its activities
  • Mitigating negative environmental impact
  • Effective functioning of the Environmental Management System

For more details, please see the Electricity Transmission, Environmental Protection, Energy Consumption and Energy Saving subsections.

Goal 13. Climate Action (Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts)

The Company takes an active part in combating climate change, including through the following:

  • Cutting down greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reducing losses in electricity transmission and distribution
  • Development of charging infrastructure
  • Lowering the consumption of fuel and energy resources for the Company’s own needs
  • Ensuring that electricity from low‑carbon sources is supplied to the grid and delivered to consumers
  • Land reclamation
  • Improving the reliability and adaptability of the power grid complex to dangerous climatic events
  • Attractivation of energy saving and an appropriate lifestyle
  • Implementation of measures promoting energy saving and energy efficiency improvement

For more details, please see the Environmental Protection, Energy Consumption and Energy Saving subsections.

Goal 15. Life on Land (protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss)

The Company operates in accordance with the environmental protection requirements, including running the activities in following aspects:

  • Biodiversity conservation, including ensuring ornithological safety of electric grid facilities and implementing measures to preserve aquatic biological resources and their habitat
  • Land reclamation and compensatory reforestation
  • Phased decommissioning of equipment containing polychlorinated biphenyls and its subsequent transfer for destruction

For more details, please see the Environmental Protection subsection.