Share Capital

The Company’s major shareholder as of 31 December 2023 was Rosseti, PJSC, owning 99.72% of the Company’s voting shares. In this case, the Russian Federation indirectly owned voting shares of Rosseti Kuban by virtue of its predominant interest in Rosseti, PJSC (75% of the authorised capital).

The Company does not have any other shareholders who own more than 5% of Rosseti Kuban’s shares.

The Company has no information about any shareholder agreement made.

There are no cross‑holdings of the Company’s shares.

The following companies ceased operations on 9 January 2023:

  • Public Joint Stock Company Russian Grids (abbreviated Rosseti, PJSC) — the Company’s largest shareholder
  • Joint Stock Company Kuban Main Grids
  • Joint Stock Company Tomsk Main Grids
  • Joint Stock Company Far East Energy Management Company — UNPG (also a shareholder of the Company)

The said companies ceased their activities in connection with their merger with Public Joint Stock Company Federal Grid Company — Rosseti (abbreviated name — Rosseti, PJSC, formerly — FGC UES, PJSC). The latter is the universal legal successor of the above entities and has acquired ownership of all shares of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC owned by the above‑mentioned shareholders of the Company.

Share capital structure of Rosseti Kuban in 2019–2023 (%)
Statistical information on registered persons in the shareholder register of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC as of 31 December 2023
Type of personal account / other account and category of registered person Number of shares % of issued shares % of placed shares
Account of unidentified persons 3,364 0.0008 0.0009
Emission account 5,724,893 1.3049
Legal entities — owners (15 accounts) 397,850,464 98.4191 99.7204
Individuals — owners, including co‑ownership accounts (1,786 accounts) 329,258 0.0815 0.0825
Nominee holders of Central Securities Depository (2 accounts) 782,990 0.1937 0.1963
TOTAL in the register: (1,805 accounts) 404,240,969 100.0000 100.0000