Key measures to improve the IRM&ICS taken in 2023

With a view to developing and improving the RM&ICS, the Company’s ordered to approve the RM&ICS Development Programme of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC.

In the reporting year, the Company implemented the following key activities aimed at the improvement of the RM&ICS:

  • The Risk Management and Internal Control Policy of the Company was approved (Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company No. 521/2023 dated 16 June 2023)
  • The preferred risk (risk appetite) of the Company was updated (Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company No. 535/2023 dated 5 October 2023)
  • Methodological framework of RM&ICS was developed/updated, including:
    • Glossary related to risk management and internal control
    • Risk appetite determination procedure
    • Procedure for organising risk management and internal control
    • Procedure for organising risk management and internal control regarding the prevention of corruption and misconduct
    • Typical list of risks and risk owners
    • Risk assessment and monitoring methodology
    • Guidelines for preparing a report on the organisation, operation and effectiveness of the risk management and internal control system
    • Process regulations, including risk matrices and control procedures
  • Current control of high‑risk business processes was exercised through approval of documents for procurement procedures and participation of the Risk Management and Internal Control Department in the Company’s collegial bodies
  • Local regulations were approved that govern control procedures, including those intended for availability, efficiency and sufficiency of controls
  • Control activities were undertaken to assess the adequacy, efficiency and effectiveness of the RM&ICS, involving comprehensive audits of the financial and economic activities of the Company’s branches and audits of subsidiaries
  • Financial stability was subject to monthly monitoring, counterparty liquidation and bankruptcy proceedings were supervised
Changes in the RM&ICS indicators for 2021–2023
Indicators 2021 2022  2023  Change 2023/2022, % If there is a significant deviation between the 2023 and 2022 indicators, the relevant section of the Report should include a justification of the reasons for such deviation.
Number of control activities aimed at identifying and minimising risks 4 2 4 2x growth
Number of procurement materials (issues) reviewed 1,216 1,149 ‑5.5
Number of eliminated violations based on the results of inspections conducted by external control bodies 45 121 164 +35.5
Total amount of cancelled fines after appealing against the decision to impose administrative penalties, RUB mln 0 0 2,4
Total amount of funds received by the Company from counterparties in bankruptcy and liquidation proceedings, RUB mln 0 12.9 25.2 +95.3
Total amount of cash saved by the Company due to acquisition of its own debt to debtors under bankruptcy proceedings at auctions, RUB mln 0 0 0 0