
This Annual Report was prepared using the information available to Rosseti Kuban, PJSC and its subsidiaries at the time of the Report compilation.

The material in the Report is based on projections and estimations made by the Сompany’s management based on the current circumstances, including information about Rosseti Kuban’s production and business operations in the future. Actual performance may differ from these projections and estimations due to the influence of numerous objective factors.

The Annual Report contains certain forward‑looking statements regarding the Company’s business operations, financial and economic performance, plans, projects and expected results. The Report may also include estimates of trends in service/product prices, production and consumption volumes, costs, projected expenditures, development prospects and similar factors, as well as industry and market forecasts, start and end dates of individual projects of the Company.

The words “intends”, “strives”, “projects”, “expects”, “estimates”, “plans”, “believes”, “anticipates”, “may”, “should”, “will” and “will continue”, as well as similar expressions, generally indicate forward‑looking statements.

By their nature, forward‑looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, and there is a risk that assumptions, forecasts, projections and other forward‑looking statements may not materialise. The Company cautions that, in light of these risks, uncertainties, and assumptions, actual outcomes might differ materially from those implied directly or indirectly in such forward‑looking statements, which are only accurate as of the date this Annual Report was written.

The Company makes no promises or guarantees regarding the realisation of the results expressed in the forward‑looking statements. Rosseti Kuban disclaims any liability for any losses incurred by individuals or entities that bank on any forward‑looking statements. In each individual case, these forward‑looking statements are simply one of many scenarios that could occur and shouldn’t be taken as the most likely one.

The Company does not commit to publishing updates to or modifications to forward‑looking statements based on both new information and subsequent events, except for the instances expressly provided by Russian legislation.