It is safe to say that the Company’s efforts in the reporting year to improve corporate governance were successful:

The management bodies of the Company made all the decisions that were required and sufficient to guarantee the Company’s present and strategic operations in a timely and complete manner. The endeavour involved active participation from all members of the Company’s governing bodies.

The Company did not have any corporate conflicts.

The Bank of Russia, a mega‑regulator of the financial market, did not reveal any violations of the requirements pertaining to securities circulation and information disclosure by the Company.

The 2022 Annual Report of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC won third place in the 2023 Annual Report Competition held by the Moscow Exchange in the Best Corporate Governance Disclosure category and was shortlisted for the Grand Prix in the Best Annual Report of a Company with a Capitalisation of up to RUB 40 billion category.

YULIA GALINOVA Deputy General Director for Corporate Governance
2022 Annual Report Cover