Consolidation of Power Grid Assets

Pursuant to the Development Strategy of the Power Grid Complex of the Russian Federation, namely its goal to reduce the number of territorial grid organisations (TGOs), the Company consolidated the grid assets in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygeya during the reporting year. Consolidation work covers TGOs that do not meet the criteria for classifying owners of power grid facilities as territorial grid organisations, approved by Resolution No. 184 of the Russian Government dated 28 February 2015 “On classifying owners of power grid facilities as territorial grid organisations” as amended from time to time.

For 2023, the STRD‑KT approved individual tariffs for electricity transmission for 40 TGOs (Order No. 40/2022‑e dated 25 November 2022). In 2024, the STRD‑KT approved individual tariffs for electricity transmission for 32 TGOs (Order No. 32/2023‑e dated 29 November 2023), eight companies lost their TGO status under the criteria approved by Decree No. 807 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 30 April 2022. In the reporting year, Rosseti Kuban, PJSC entered into a lease agreement for power grid property previously used by the grid company Transenergoset, LLC, which is deprived of the TGO status as of 2024.

In the reporting year:

  • The Company made extensive efforts to consolidate power grid property owned by gardening and horticultural non‑commercial partnerships and put it onto the balance sheet, and the results were sent to the Ministry of Fuel and Energy and Housing and Utilities of the Krasnodar Territory.
  • In 2023, the title to 63 ownerless movable property and 1 immovable power grid facility were declared in court, and then they were put onto the balance sheet.
  • Following the negotiations with the TGO, consent was obtained from Alga, LLC, a territorial grid organisation, for leasing the grid property to the Company.

In 2023, the total amount of power grid assets of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC totalled 19,202.23 c.u. with a length of 1,400.67 km and a capacity of 1,587.18 MVA; 492 contracts were made, including:

  • The amount of power grid property consolidated by taking it into the ownership of the Company totals 689.36 c.u. — 122 agreements for the gratuitous transfer of power facilities from non‑commercial organisations and individuals were signed
  • The amount of power grid property leased by the Company is 18,020.30 c.u., of which 2,200.04 c.u. is consolidated in 2023 — a total of 365 lease agreements, including 15 agreements with TGOs, 77 agreements with municipalities, and 273 agreements with other owners, were signed
  • The amount of power grid property temporarily used by the Company is 326.26 c.u., of which 4.9 c.u. is consolidated in 2023, — a total of five transactions of gratuitous use of property were closed
  • The amount of power grid property taken into the ownership of the Company as ownerless is 166.31 c.u., a total of 64 power facilities were consolidated
Monitoring of power grid asset consolidation volumes for 2021–2023
2021 2022 2023
Grid assets consolidated over this period Grid assets consolidated over this period Grid assets consolidated over this period
MVA km c.u. MVA km c.u. MVA km c.u.
1,351.2 1,262.2 15,402.7 1,498.67 1,455.59 17,932.23 1,587.18 1,400.67 19,202.23
Acquisition of power grid facilities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lease of power grid facilitiesThe amount of leased power grid facilities is shown on an accrual basis from the date the power facilities are leased to the Company. 1,324.7 1,151.7 14,805.5 1,411.68 938.44 16,217.15 1,535.75 1,094.21 18,020.30
Other (permanent ownership and rights of use)The amount of power grid facilities taken into the ownership of the Company is shown for 2023. 6.2 34.0 201.3 61.46 427.96 1,202.21 33.60 249.34 855.67
Other (temporary ownership and rights of use) 20.3 76.6 395.9 25.53 89.19 512.88 17.83 57.11 326.25
Consolidation of power grid assets