Completion of grid connection agreements

In the reporting year, the Company competed 35,123 grid connection agreements. The total capacity of the completed grid connection agreements was 845 MW, which is 140% above the plan. The amount of connected capacity increased by 6% (50 MW) year‑on‑year.

Capacity connected in 2023 by consumer category (MW)
Connection categories Number of completed grid connection agreements
total power (MW)
Up to 15 kW inclusive, total 32,183 394
including individuals 28,727 350
Over 15 kW to 150 kW inclusive 2,437 165
Over 150 kW and up to 670 kW 217 47
At least 670 kW 88 125
Power generation facilities 67 108
Total, excluding temporary grid connection 34,992 839
Temporary connection 131 6
Total, including temporary grid connection 35,123 845
Structure of completed agreements of Rosseti Kuban, by capacity connected (MW)
Largest and most significant power facilities connected to the Company’s power grids in 2023
Applicant Facility to be connected to the grid Connected capacity (MW)
Verkhnebakansky Cement Plant, OJSC Cement plant power plant 52.7
Renewable Energy Sources, LLC Nine solar power plants in the Labinsky District, which will generate more than 50 mln kWh of electricity per year (enough to cover the energy consumption of the Labinsky District) 40.5
State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Research Institute — Regional Teaching Hospital No. 1 named after Professor S.V. Ochapovsky” Consumer terminals of the hospital under the second phase of renovation and expansion 7.7
ART‑TECH, LLC Consumer terminals of a large logistics centre 6.2
NUTEP Container Terminal, LLC Consumer terminals of a berth and production facility in Novorossiysk 5.0
TransneftElectroset‑ Servis, LLC Consumer terminal of oil transportation facilities in Novorossiysk 5.0
RN‑Krasnodarneftegaz, LLC Consumer terminals of the Neftyanik Kubani sanatorium 4.2
State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Adygeya Stroyzakazchik Consumer terminals of gas supply networks for the multifunctional tourist and recreational park “Dakhovskaya Polyana” 4.0
Taman Federal State Institution Federal Highways Administration Consumer terminals of a new high‑speed highway to the Kerch Strait crossing 0.4

Since 2022, the Krasnodar Territory has been one of eight regions participating in a pilot project to implement the Concept for the Development of Production and Use of Electric Vehicles in the Russian Federation. In 2023, the Company connected 19 electric charging stations with a total capacity of 2.85 MW to the electricity grid. The total value of the executed contracts is RUB 29.46 million. Electric charging stations are located along highways on the Azov and Black Sea coasts, on the M‑4 federal highway, as well as in major cities and on regional roads.

In 2023, electric service was provided to more than 40 healthcare facilities, including hospitals, medical assistant and obstetric stations, and outpatient clinics, with a total capacity of more than 8 MW. Among the largest and most significant are:

  • State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Research Institute — Regional Teaching Hospital No. 1 named after Professor S.V. Ochapovsky” with a requested capacity of 7.7 MW
  • State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Republic of Adygeya Takhtamukaisk Central Regional Hospital — 0.2 MW
  • State Budgetary Healthcare Institution City Hospital No. 3 Sochi — 0.1 kW

Under the regional programme dedicated to “Modernisation of Primary Health Care”, Rosseti Kuban took measures in 2023 to make it possible to connect to its power grids under‑construction medical facilities in eight settlements of the Krasnodar Territory (construction of linear and substation facilities of the 0.4–10 kV distribution grid). The total amount of allocated capacity was 3.2 MW. Physical connection of the above health care facilities will be made in the first quarter of 2024 upon completion of their construction and readiness to receive voltage and electric capacity.

Russia’s southern regions has historically played a significant role in the nation’s food supply. During 2023, the Company completed the grid connection of more than 850 agricultural and food manufacturing plants for a total capacity of 47 MW. The most notable facilities:

  • Enterprise for production, storage, primary and deep processing of agricultural products — Dary Kubani Agricultural Products Processing Complex, LLC for 1.1 MW
  • Agricultural production land plot of private entrepreneur N.K. Lotsmanov in the Tikhoretsky district for 1.0 MW
  • Agricultural production land plot of Kubanyagro‑Fasta, LLC in the Tikhoretsky district for 0.8 MW
  • Agricultural production facility of Agronova, JSC in the Labinsky district for 0.7 MW
  • Agricultural produce processing shop (sausage and juice shop) of TORES, LLC in the Tuapse district for 0.5 MW
  • Agricultural production land plot of Betagran Kuban, LLC in the Korenovsky district for 0.5 MW

The Republic of Adygeya and the Krasnodar Territory have been popular destinations for migration in recent years, which has raised housing demand. To meet the demand, the Company allocated electric capacity to cover more than 2,400 housing construction objects, with a total capacity of 171 MW.

A total of 30 socially significant facilities (schools, kindergartens, cultural organisations and sports facilities) with a combined capacity of over 1.9 MW were also connected to the power grid.

Connected in 2023:

> 850
agricultural and food enterprises
electric charging stations
socially significant facilities
> 40
health care facilities
housing construction projects