Sale of additional (non‑tariff) services

Business diversification and development of additional (non‑tariff) services is a strategically important area of Rosseti Kuban’s focus.The main goals of Rosseti Kuban in this field are to increase the share of non‑tariff revenue in the Company’s total revenue and to increase the profitability of non‑tariff activities.Rosseti Kuban, PJSC provides a wide range of additional services, including maintenance of consumers’ power grid facilities, arrangement of outdoor lighting, placement of telecommunications equipment, and many others.
ANATOLY ABUSALIMOV Head of the Department for Development of Non‑Tariff Services

In an effort to diversify its business, Rosseti Kuban offers a variety of extra (non‑tariff) services in addition to tariff‑regulated power transmission and grid connection services.

  • Equipment leasing and placement services
  • Repair and maintenance
  • Construction and installation
  • Consulting, organisational and technical services
  • Other services

In 2023, Rosseti Kuban’s revenue from the sale of additional services totalled RUB 912.4 million, which is 8% more than the target value.

Dynamic profile of revenue from additional services in 2020–2022 (RUB mln)
912.4 RUB  mln
revenue from the sale of additional services in 2023 (+8% vs. the plan)
Structure of revenue from additional services in 2021–2023
Indicator 2021 2022 2023 Change
Revenue from sales of additional (non‑tariff) services related to other activities — total, RUB mln 795.8 1,003.9 912.4 –9.1
Equipment leasing and placement services, RUB mln 162.6 148.9 199.5 +34.0
Repair and maintenance services, RUB mln 103.9 344.2 200.1 –41.9
Construction and installation, RUB mln 357.4 399.0 375.5 –5.9
Consultancy and organisational & technical services, RUB mln 169.2 108.3 116.0 +7.1
Agency services, RUB mln 0 0 0 0
Communication and information technology services, RUB mln 0.003 0.001 0 –100
Other activity services, RUB mln 2.7 3.5 21.3 6x growth
Other miscellaneous services, RUB mln 0.035 0 0.098
Volume (share) of non‑tariff revenue in total revenue of Rosseti Kuban, % 3.1 3.4 2.6 –0.8 p.p.

In 2023, the price list for additional (non‑tariff) services was updated, according to which the Company provides a full range of services that customers need in order to receive electricity. To date, the price list includes 474 services.

Structure of revenue received by the Company from the sale of non-tariff services in 2023 (%)
The largest agreements for additional (non‑tariff) services implemented in 2023
Sr. No. Name Non‑tariff services of the Company Volume of revenues (RUB mln)
1 Rosseti, PJSC (as the legal successor of DEUK‑ENES, JSC) Repair and maintenance 120.7
2 Kubstroy‑15, LLC construction and installation works, reconstruction and retrofitting of the customer's power grid facilities 49.2
3 Talent and Success Educational Foundation Operational and technical upkeep of power grid equipment 33.3
4 Betagran Kuban, LLC Design & survey and construction & installation works 19.7
5 Krasnaya Polyana, NJSC Construction and installation works 17.6
6 Transstroymekhanisatsiya, LLC Construction and installation works 16.4
7 Energoservice Kuban, JSC Repairs 16.3
8 Construction Holding Tezis, LLC Construction and installation works 15.2
9 Abrau‑Durso Wine Tourism Centre, LLC 10.0
10 Basalt Designated Developer, LLC 8.0

The Company was involved in two socially significant projects during the reporting year as part of non‑tariff activities:

  • Grid connection of an apartment block in Primorsko‑Akhtarsk
  • Construction of two modular packaged transformer substations and a cable line on a land plot for capital construction of a polyclinic and a hospital in Mostovsky District

In 2023, the Company carried out construction and installation works, renovation, repair and maintenance of 13 outdoor lighting network facilities.

Key projects and major agreements scheduled for 2024
Sr. No. Name Non‑tariff services of the Company Volume of revenues (RUB mln)
1 Slavyansk ECO, LLC construction and installation works 34.2
2 Kubstroy‑15, LLC construction and installation works, reconstruction and retrofitting of the customer's power grid facilities 19.4
3 StroyResource Designated Developer, LLC construction and installation works 13.1
4 Rostelecom, PJSC pre‑project inspection and design and survey work 11.0
5 Kubanoptprodtorg, CJSC construction and installation works 10.0
6 Budmar‑Invest Designated Developer, LLC design & survey and construction & installation works 8.6
7 ERSO HOLDING, JSC construction and installation works, reconstruction and retrofitting of the customer's power grid facilities 7.9
Targets for sale of additional services (RUB mln):
Indicators Plans for 2024 Forecast for 2025 Forecast for 2026 Forecast for 2027 Forecast for 2028
Revenue 895.5 1,780.9 2,866.3 3,704.7 4,592.7
Expenditures 806.0 1,602.8 2,579.6 3,334.2 4,133.4
Gross profit 89.5 178.1 286.6 370.5 459.3