Consumer demand for  grid connection in 2023

In 2023, Rosseti Kuban signed 32,368 grid connection agreements for a total capacity of 860 MW with a total value of RUB 10.7 billion, excluding VAT. Grid connection demand has been steadily increasing since 2021. On average, about 40,000 applications are received per year and at least 32,000–35,000 contracts are concluded.

Connection categories Number of signed grid connection agreements
agreements total power (MW)
Up to 15 kW inclusive, total 29,793 354
incl. individuals up to and including 15 kW 26,955 320
Over 15 kW to 150 kW inclusive 1,988 119
Over 150 kW and up to 670 kW 269 64
At least 670 kW 113 276
Power generation facilities 70 41
Total, excluding temporary grid connection 32,233 854
Temporary connection 135 6
Total, including temporary grid connection 32,368 860
Structure of Rosseti Kuban agreements signed in 2023, by connected capacity (MW)
The volume of consumer demand for technological connection in 2023