Occupational Safety

In order to improve the efficiency of the Health and Safety Management System, eliminate and/or minimise vocational risks in the field of occupational health and safety and manage such risks, develop measures aimed at creating safe working conditions, preventing occupational injuries and work-related diseases, and control compliance with occupational health and safety requirements at all management levels, the Company has Regulations on the Health and Safety Management System (hereinafter, referred to as the HSMS Regulations).

The current version of the HSMS Regulations complies with the requirements of the current Russian legislation and interstate standards in the field of occupational safety:

  • Labour Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Order of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation No. 776n dated 29 October 2021 On Approval of the Model Regulations on the Health and Safety Management System
  • National standards GOST R 12.0.007‑2009 Occupational Safety Standards System. Labour protection management system in organization. General Requirements on Development, Implementation, Audit and Improvement and GOST R ISO 9000‑2015 Quality Management Systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary
  • Interstate standards GOST 12.0.230‑2007 Occupational Safety Standards System. Occupational safety and health management systems. General Requirements, GOST 12.0.002‑2014 Occupational safety standards system. Terms and Definitions, GOST‑2015 Occupational Safety Standards System. Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems. Guidance for Use of GOST 12.0.230‑2007; GOST‑2015 Occupational Safety System Standards. Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems. Conformity Assessment. Requirements
  • International standard ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems — Requirements with Guidance for Use.

The HSMS Regulations apply to all employees of the Company, at all workplaces, and in all subdivisions.

The Company’s main objectives in the field of occupational safety are as follows:

  • Creation of a healthy and safe working environment
  • Reduction of occupational injuries and work‑related diseases
  • Mitigation of risks of accidents and incidents at hazardous production facilities
  • Cushioning of the risks of road traffic accidents related to production activities
  • Exclusion of workplaces with hazardous labour conditions
  • Promotion of a high level of corporate safety culture

The management of the Company is in charge of upholding secure working conditions and labour safety at Rosseti Kuban, PJSC, as well as their adherence to the established regulations. The Company fully complies with the requirements of Russian laws regarding the occupational safety obligations of the employer.

The Company identifies and prevents hazards in the course of the following activities:

  • Assessment and management of occupational risks, with special attention paid to high-risk jobs
  • Special assessment of work environment
  • Industrial control of work environment
  • Prevention of accidents and elimination of their consequences
  • Special‑purpose, comprehensive and operational inspections
  • Use of instruments, devices, equipment, and/or complexes (systems) of instruments and equipment (if available and feasible) that provide remote video, audio or other recording of work processes and storage of the obtained information

Occupational risk management activities include:

  • Analysing the results of hazard identification and assessment of occupational risk levels, including assessment of the adequacy of existing risk management and control measures
  • Development (if necessary) and implementation of additional (different from existing) measures to reduce occupational risks and/or new control measures
  • Assessment of residual risk levels after implementation and adoption of additional measures to reduce their levels and/or new control measures
  • Monitoring the implementation of risk management measures at workplaces, as well as periodic analyses of the effectiveness of such measures

Activities to investigate workplace accidents include:

  • Organising the reporting of accidents and occupational diseases to the competent authorities and organisations
  • Organising and ensuring a proper and timely investigation of an accident and occupational disease, drawing up investigation materials in accordance with legal requirements

The management of the Company (the Company’s branches) annually analyses and evaluates the achievement of occupational safety goals.

During 2023, systematic work was carried out to improve occupational safety, prevent occupational accidents and improve working conditions:

  • Occupational safety and health measures developed in accordance with the Tentative List of Annual Measures to Improve Working Conditions and Occupational Safety and to Eliminate or Reduce Occupational Risks or Prevent their Increase approved by Order No. 771n of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation dated 29 October 2021
  • Comprehensive programmes were implemented to reduce the risk of injuries to the Company’s personnel and third parties from electric shocks at the Company’s power grid facilities
  • An annual study of the outcomes of the occupational safety work was conducted, goals for the following year were established, and a list was created to enhance working conditions and occupational safety, remove or decrease occupational risks, avoid injuries, as well as Action Plan for the development and improvement of the Safety Culture
  • Quarterly video conference calls were held with the participation of directors, first deputy directors — Chief Engineers and heads of branch divisions
  • Monthly occupational health and safety days were held, allowing many employees to be involved in the process of self‑supervision and mutual supervision and increasing their knowledge and experience
  • In the format of business games with the involvement of specialists in psychophysiological support of the reliability of professional activity of the Company’s branches, classes were held on the functioning of the occupational safety system and timely identification of potential threats and risks to the health and life of the Company’s employees; in two Company’s branches, Adygeyan Power Grids and Labinsk Power Grids, comprehensive inspections of compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents, regulatory and legal acts in the operation of electrical installations, compliance with the requirements of safe operation of hazardous production facilities, organisational and administrative documents of the Company aimed at preventing occupational accidents and third party injuries were undertaken
  • Heads of branches, business units and their deputies carried out unannounced inspections of workplaces to check the personnel’s compliance with occupational safety rules when organising and carrying out work in electrical installations

In order to update documents and improve the Company’s integrated management system, and in line with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems — Requirements with Guidance for Use, in the reporting year, the following Company’s standards were approved: Occupational Health and Safety Hazards and Risks, Occupational Health and Safety Planning, and Occupational Health and Safety Monitoring and Measurements.

The Company’s policy in the area of occupational health and safety and prevention of occupational injuries and occupational diseases is aimed at preserving the life and health of employees in the course of their labour activity, ensuring safe working conditions, and managing the risks of occupational injuries and occupational diseases.

Rosseti Kuban, PJSC approved the List of High‑Risk Jobs with Specific Requirements for Work Organisation and Employee Training. Information on safe methods and techniques for performing such work is communicated to employees as part of induction and on‑the‑job occupational health and safety briefings.

Employees performing high‑risk work undergo mandatory training in safe work practices at specialised educational institutions.

The Company’s Executive Office and branches annually conduct industrial control over harmful and hazardous factors affecting employees and take sanitary and anti‑epidemiological (preventive) measures to ensure the safety of human health.

In order to identify and reduce the level of exposure of employees to harmful and/or hazardous production factors, a special labour assessment is carried out in all divisions of the Company.

During 2023, two industrial accidents occurred as a result of electric current exposure. Compared to 2022, the number of accidents decreased from three to two.

No work‑related diseases among the Company’s personnel were detected in 2023. No micro‑injuries (micro‑traumas) related to production activities that did not result in the loss of the personnel’s ability to work were registered in the reporting period.

Information on work‑related injuries and ill‑health in the Company for 2021–2023
Indicators UoM Period
2021 2022 2023
For employees:

Number of workers involved in work‑related fatalities/ number of work‑related fatalities
man/accident 0 1/1 1/1
Number of people injured in work‑related accidents with severe injuries, number of work‑related accidents with severe injuries man/accident 1/1 0 2/1
For persons who are not employees, but whose work and (or) workplace is controlled by the Company:

Number of workers involved in work‑related fatalities/ number of work‑related fatalities
man/accident 0 1/1 0
Number of people injured in work‑related accidents with severe injuries, number of work‑related accidents with severe injuries man/accident 0 0 0
Number of work‑related diseases that resulted in the death of an employee in the reporting year 0 0 0
Number of employees recognised as disabled as a result of a work‑related illness in the reporting year people 0 0 0
Number of persons diagnosed with work‑related ill‑health during the reporting period people 0 0 0

A unified helpline is in place in all divisions of the Company to receive automated voice and text messages (SMS) from staff regarding occupational safety concerns, details of rule violations, and recommendations for ways to enhance working conditions, as well as behavioural safety audit is carried out. This is done in an effort to eliminate the underlying causes of injuries and to reduce them. 15 training films on the types of work performed were created, placement of publications and articles on occupational health and safety on the official web pages of the branches was organized; and occupational health and safety competitions in the nominations of the best subdivision and the best team vehicle were held.

The corporate newspaper Safe Labour has been published quarterly since 2022. A strategic session was held with directors, deputy directors for the implementation and development of services, assistant directors for the implementation of non‑tariff services, heads of capital construction departments, and heads of power grid regions of branches to cover the topic: Implementation of Safety Culture at Rosseti Kuban, PJSC. Safety Culture Leader. More than 100 managers and specialists took part in the event.

Each team vehicle has posted “Disconnect, Check, and Ground” leaflets with a contact number of the helpline in conspicuous places.

A personnel motivation system has been implemented: the Collective Bargaining Agreement provides for a special type of bonus for work without violations of regulatory occupational health and safety requirements. In 2023, such bonuses were awarded to 306 employees of working trades who worked without violating regulations.

An annual competition is held for the titles “Best Production Unit”, “Best Team Vehicle”, and “Best Team”. The winners of the review competition are awarded with valuable gifts, and the personnel who won first place in the review competition are paid a supplementary payment in the amount of 15% of an employee’s official salary (wage rate) for one year.

A total of 110 publications and articles on the following topics were posted on the web pages of the Company’s branches: “They Should Be Equalled in Labour Safety” and “Man of Labour”. Such posts described the best employees of the branch who work without violating regulatory requirements for occupational safety.

The Company’s personnel at risk for health reasons, in addition to periodic medical examinations, are referred for additional medical examinations.

In order to prevent (mitigate) significant negative impacts on personnel health and ensure the preservation of the lives and health of the Company’s employees, the necessary protective equipment and devices were purchased in 2023 thus improving occupational safety and safe work practices. Annual acquisition order for working wear and shoes was fully completed.

Occupational health and safety (OHS) costs (in total) in 2023 amounted to RUB 422.7 millionTaking into account the costs of pre-trip medical examinations of drivers., which is 16.4% more than in 2022.

Specific OHS costs per employee in 2023 were RUB 48,300.

The unit cost of personal protective equipment per employee in 2023 was RUB 31,310, which is 32% higher than in 2022.

In accordance with the Labour Code of the Russian Federation, the financing of measures to improve labour conditions and occupational health and safety in the Company is carried out in the amount of not less than 0.2% of the sum of the costs of manufacture of products (performance of works or services). These measures were actually financed in the amount of 0.63% of the amount indicated.

Changes in the Company’s occupational health and safety costs per one person from 2019 to 2023 (RUB ‘000)Excluding expenses on the prevention of coronavirus infection spread.
Changes in expenditures for occupational safety measures for the Company in 2021–2023 (RUB mln)Excluding the cost of pre-trip medical examinations of drivers.