Focus areas and structure of capital funding

Financing structure of Rosseti Kuban in 2021–2023 (RUB mln)
Focus areas of the investment programme of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC 2021 2022 2023 Change 2023/2022 (%)
Grid connection 4,370 7,033 12,621 +79.5
Renovation, upgrading and retrofitting 2,592 4,529 4,498 –0.7
Investment projects under the prospective electric power industry development roadmap 30 93 725 +7.8x
Other new construction of power grid facilities 5 152 159 +4.6
Other investment projects 218 269 232 –13.8
Total 7,215 12,076 18,235 +51.0
The main focus areas of the Rosseti Kuban’s Investment Programme in 2023 (%)

Investment Programme financing sources in 2023, RUB mln, incl. VAT (%)