Management Systems

The Company put in place the following management systems:

Quality Management System (QMS)

QMS is a part of the Company’s overall management system with the own organisational structure, processes, procedures and resources necessary for the general quality management.

QMS was implemented at Rosseti Kuban, PJSC and successfully passed certification/recertification audits for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001 within the period from 2009 to 2022.

In 2023, during the 2‑nd surveillance audit, the certification body ROSTECHSERT, LLC confirmed the compliance of the Company’s QMS with the requirements of ISO 9001. The Company received confirmation of the validity of the Quality Austria Certificate Reg. No. 25523/0 dated 19 January 2021.

Environmental Management System (EMS)

EMS is a part of the Company’s overall management system with its own organisational structure, mechanisms, procedures and resources necessary for management of the environmental aspects of activities through developing and achieving the environmental policy goals.

EMS was implemented at Rosseti Kuban, PJSC and successfully passed certification/recertification audits for compliance with the requirements of ISO 14001 within the period from 2009 to 2022.

In 2023, during the 2‑nd surveillance audit, the certification body ROSTECHSERT, LLC confirmed the compliance of the Company’s EMS with the requirements of ISO 14001. The Company received confirmation of the validity of the Quality Austria Certificate Reg. No. 04287/0 dated 19 January 2021.

Energy Management System (EnMS)

EnMS is a part of the Company’s overall management system, which has a well‑defined organisational structure and focuses on fulfilling the provisions stated in the energy policy through the Programme on Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement.

EnMS was implemented at Rosseti Kuban, PJSC and successfully passed certification/recertification audits for compliance with the requirements of ISO 50001 within the period from 2015 to 2022.

In 2023, during the 2nd surveillance audit, the certification body Russian Register Certification Association confirmed the compliance of the Company’s EnMS with the requirements of ISO 50001. The Company received confirmation of the validity of certificate No. 21.2469.026 dated 8 December 2021.

Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS)

The OHSMS is a part of the general management system that helps manage risks and improve occupational health and safety performance.

The OHSMS was implemented at Rosseti Kuban, PJSC and successfully passed certification/recertification audits for compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO OHSAS 18001 within the period from 2009 to 2020 and for compliance with the requirements of ISO 45001 within the period from 2021 to 2022.

In 2023, during the 2‑nd surveillance audit, the certification body ROSTECHSERT, LLC confirmed the compliance of the Company’s OHSMS with the requirements of ISO 45001. The Company received confirmation of the validity of the Quality Austria Certificate Reg. No. 01101/0 dated 19 January 2021.

Innovation Management System (IMS)

The IMS is part of the Company’s overall management system, which defines the basic principles of innovation and scientific & technological development aimed at improving the efficiency of Rosseti Kuban’s operations through the development and implementation of new technologies, engineering, production and market launch of new innovative products and services.

The IMS was implemented in Rosseti Kuban, PJSC and successfully passed the certification audit for compliance with GOST R 56273.1‑2014/CEN/TS 16555‑1:2013 in 2022.

In 2023, during the 1‑st surveillance audit, the certification body ROSTECHSERT, LLC confirmed the compliance of the Company’s IMS with the requirements of GOST R 56273.1‑2014/CEN/TS 16555‑1:2013. The Company received confirmation of the validity of certificate No. ROSS RU.FK11. K00649 dated 21 June 2022.

Information on availability of certificates
Management system Certificate validity Certification authority
ISO 9001ISO 9001 — Quality Management System. 18.02.2024 ROSTECHSERT, LLC
ISO 14001ISO 14001 — Environmental Management System. 18.02.2024 ROSTECHSERT, LLC
ISO 45001ISO 45001 — Occupational Health and Safety Management System. 18.02.2024 ROSTECHSERT, LLC
ISO 50001ISO 50001 — Energy Management System. 28.12.2024 Russian Register Certification Association
GOST R 56273.1‑2014/CEN/TS 16555‑1:2013GOST R 56273.1-2014/CEN/TS 16555-1:2013 — Innovation Management System. 21.06.2025 ROSTECHSERT, LLC

Main participants of the management systems:

  • Board of Directors of the Company
  • Company’s executive bodies — General Director and the Management Board
  • Representative of the Company’s management on the relevant management system
  • Business unit that supports the functioning of management systems
  • Business units of the Company and S&As involved in the functioning of management systems

Key operating results of the Management Systems


Increased reliability and stability of power supply

For more details, see Reliable and Efficient Operation of the Energy System section


Higher safety of power supplies

For more details, see Reliable and Efficient Operation of the Energy System section


Labour safety and health protection during production activities, including reduction of total number of accidents in keeping with Labour Safety and Environmental Protection statutory requirements

For more details, please see the Occupational Health and Safety section


Enhanced energy efficiency

For more details, please see the Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement section


Environmental safety

For more details, please see the Environmental Protection


Enhanced quality level of grid connection services

For more details, please see the Rosseti Kuban Grid Connection section


Improved procurement performance

For more details, please see the Innovative Activities section

In general, Management Systems demonstrated positive operating results over the past year.