Executive Bodies

The General Director, who is the sole executive body, and the Management Board (the collective executive body) are in charge of executive management of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC.

The General Director and the Management Board are accountable to the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Board of Directors.

Pursuing Following the Articles of Association of the Company, the General Director is elected by the Board of Directors and chairs the Management Board. All the Management Board members are also elected by the Board of Directors, as suggested by the General Director, in the number to be determined by a decision of the Board of Directors.

Each member of the Management Board, including its chairperson, shall have the experience, knowledge and qualifications necessary for the proper discharge of the duties entrusted to him/her. The General Director and the members of the Management Board act in good faith and the best interests of the Company and all of its shareholders. To prevent any conflicts of interests and the related adverse impacts for the Company, the members of the Management Board shall disclose to the Company all and any information about their business activities outside the interests of the Company.