Management Board

The Management Board is responsible for the implementation of the Company’s goals, strategy and policy and manages the day‑to‑day operations within its remit.

The key objectives of the Management Board:

  • To uphold the rights and legitimate interests of the Company’s shareholders
  • To prepare suggestions on the Development Strategy of the Company
  • To implement the financial and economic policy of the Company, drawing up decisions on the major issues related to its current economic operations and coordinating the operation of its departments
  • To increase the efficiency of the internal control and risk monitoring systems
  • To ensure a high level of income from the Company’s assets and the maximum profit from the Company’s operations

Relations of the Board of Directors and Management Board of the Company:

  • The Board of Directors elects the members of the Management Board, establishes the remuneration and compensation paid to them, monitors the compliance of the Management Board’s activities with the Company’s approved strategy, and hears the Management Board’s progress reports on the Company’s approved strategy
  • The Management Board develops and submits prospective plans for the implementation of the Company’s core activities, business plan, annual report, follow‑up report on how the Management Board fulfils the resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Board of Directors

The Company’s Management Board acts in compliance with the Articles of Association and the Regulations on the Management BoardThe Regulation on the Management Board of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC is published on the Company’s website in the About the Company / Constitutive and Internal Documents section. approved by the resolution of the General Meeting of the Shareholders.

Composition of the Management Board

During the reporting year, the number of members of the Company’s Management Board decreased from 9 to 7 members as L Loskutova and O. Nishchuk were removed from the Management Board.

Current membership of the Management Board at the end of the reporting year

1. BORIS EBZEEV, Chairman of the Management Board
Year of birth 1975

Higher. Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, with major in Law, Lawyer.

Holds a candidate degree in Legal Sciences

Information on employment of a member of the Management Board and on participation in governing bodies of other organisations over the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2014 present time Rosseti South, PJSC Chairman of the Management Board, General Director
2019 Donenergo, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
2015 present time Rosseti South, PJSC Member of the Board of Directors
2018 present time VMES, JSC Chairman of the Board of Directors
2021 present time Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Management Board, Acting General Director (part‑time)
Date of entry of the Chairman of the Company’s Management Board into office 18 May 2021
Year of birth 1984

Higher. Graduated from:

  • Kuban State Agrarian University, with major in Electrification and Automation, Engineer
  • Moscow Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law, with major in Organisation Management, Manager

Additional education:

  • Bauman Moscow State Technical University, major in Management with Professional Status of Organisation Controlling
  • Kuban State University, with major in Jurisprudence: Civil Law Relations
Information on employment of a member of the Management Board and on participation in governing bodies of other organisations over the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2009 present time Rosseti Kuban, PJSC First Deputy General Director — Director of Sochi Power Grids Branch
2016 Energoservice Kuban, JSC Chairman of the Board of Directors
Date of election to the Management Board 28 August 2014
Year of birth 1978

Higher. Graduated from the International Institute of Economics and Law, with major in Jurisprudence, Lawyer

Information on employment of a member of the Management Board and on participation in governing bodies of other organisations over the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2014 2021 Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Deputy Head of the Legal Support Department
2021 present time Deputy Director General for Corporate Governance
Date of election to the Management Board 30 September 2021
Year of birth 1981

Higher. Graduated from:

  • Kuban Institute of International Business and Management, with major in Finance and Credit, Economist
  • Kuban State Agrarian University, with Bachelor’s degree in Agro‑Engineering
Information on employment of a member of the Management Board and on participation in governing bodies of other organisations over the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2014 present time Rosseti South, PJSC Deputy General Director — Head of the Office
2016 Member of the Management Board
2016 Energetik Recreation Facility, JSC Chairman of the Board of Directors
2017 Rosseti South, PJSC Director of Kubanenergo branch (part‑time)
2018 ERA of Russia Association Member of the Supervisory Board
2021 Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Deputy General Director — Head of the Office (part‑time)
Date of election to the Management Board 30 June 2021
Year of birth 1985

Higher. Graduated from:

  • University of Indianapolis (Indiana, USA), with major in Economics and Finance
  • International College (Intercollege, Republic of Cyprus), with major in Management
  • South Russian State University of Economics and Service, with Master’s degree in Management

Completed professional retraining under the MBA programme on “Management and regulation of economic activities in the international electric power industry” with professional qualifications in “Master of Business Administration” at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

Information on employment of a member of the Management Board and on participation in governing bodies of other organisations over the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2016 2021 Rosseti South, PJSC Head of the Department of Economics
2017 present time Energetik Recreation Facility, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
2021 Sokolovskoye Agricultural Enterprise, JSC Chairman, member of the Board of Directors
2018 2018 IDGC of South, PJSC Deputy Director for Economics and Finance (part‑time) of Volgogradenergo branch
2019 2021 YugStroyMontazh, LLC Member of the Board of Directors
2021 present time Rosseti South, PJSC Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance, member of the Management Board
2021 Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Assistant General Director, Acting Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance (part‑time)
present time Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance (part‑time), member of the Strategy Committee of the Board of Directors
Date of election to the Management Board 30 September 2021
Year of birth 1977
Education Higher. Graduated from Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University, with major in Instrumentation, Electrical Engineer
Information on employment of a member of the Management Board and on participation in governing bodies of other organisations over the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2015 2018 Technical Customer Centre, JSC Deputy General Director for Capital Construction
2019 2020 Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Head of the Capital Construction Department; then Head of the Capital Construction Department and Acting Deputy General Director for Capital Construction without release from the main work defined by the employment agreement
2020 present time Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Deputy General Director for Investments
Energoservice Kuban, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
Date of election to the Management Board 27 August 2020
Year of birth 1982

Higher. Graduated from:

  • South Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute), with major in Electrical Systems and Grids, Engineer
  • FSBE Kuban State Agrarian University n.a. I. Trubilin, with Master’s degree in State and Municipal Management

Completed a professional retraining course in occupations:

  • Safety of technological processes and production in power engineering and power supply, South Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute)
  • Management, MSTU n.a. N.E. Bauman

Completed the advanced training courses on:

  • Information Security. Security of restricted access information that does not contain information constituting a state secret using cryptographic and non‑cryptographic methods», Informzaschita Training Centre, an autonomous non‑profit organisation of additional professional education
Information on employment of a member of the Management Board and on participation in governing bodies of other organisations over the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2011 2018 Kubanenergo, PJSC Director of Krasnodar Power Grids branch
2020 2021 Southern Energy Company, LLC Executive Director
2022 2022 Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Assistant Director General of Business Administration in the Department of Business Administration, Acting Deputy Director General for Technical Affairs — Chief Engineer
present time Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Deputy General Director for Technical Affairs — Chief Engineer, member of the Reliability Committee of the Board of Directors
Energoservice Kuban, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
Date of election to the Management Board 11 October 2022

None of the Management Board members held any positions in the governing bodies of any commercial organisations when bankruptcy procedures were initiated and/or implemented against these companies as specified by the insolvency (bankruptcy) laws of the Russian Federation.

None of the Company’s Management Board:

  • Owned the Company shares or closed transactions with them during the reporting yearAccording to the data provided to the Company by the Management Board members.
  • Made any transactions with the Company in the reporting year
  • Received any loans (credits) from the Company
  • Had family ties with people who are members of the bodies that manage and/or control the financial and economic activities of the Company
  • Was held administratively liable for financial improprieties, offence regarding tax and fees or security market, or had any criminal record for economic crimes or crimes against the state
  • Had any conflicts of interest with the Company
Performance of the Management Board
Indicator 2021 2022 2023
Number of meetings held 43 46 43
  • In person
Number of issues discussed 157 215 191
Breakdown of the issues discussed by the Management Board in 2023