General Meeting of Shareholders

The General Meeting of Shareholders is a supreme management body of the Company. The General Meeting of Shareholders abides by the laws of the Russian Federation, the Articles of Association of the Company, and the Regulations on the General Meeting of Shareholders.

The competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders is determined by the Federal Law on Joint Stock Companies and the Articles of Associations of the Company.

In the reporting year, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and pursuant to the decision of the Board of Directors of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC, the General Meeting of Shareholders was held in the form of absentee voting.

The resolutions of General Meeting of Shareholder to be enforced were accomplished.

Date of a General Meeting of Shareholders 16.06.2023
Date and Number of the Minutes of the General Meeting of Shareholders 21.06.2023 No. 50
Quorum of a General Meeting of Shareholders (% of total number of outstanding voting shares) 99.69% for all agenda items
Key resolutions made by the General Meeting of Shareholders
  • To approve the annual report and the annual accounts of the Company for 2022.
  • To approve the following distribution of the Company profit (loss) for 2022:
    • RUB 262,224 thousand — to the reserve fund
    • RUB 2,710,044 thousand — for payment of dividendsIncluding:
      • interim dividends based on the results of 9 months of 2022 in the amount of RUB 1,943,544 thousand, the decision on payment of which was adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company in 2022 (Minutes No. 49 dated 8 December 2022);
      • dividends payable — RUB 766,500 thousand.
    • RUB 2,272,209 thousand — for the development of the Company;
    • RUB 0 thousand — to recover losses from previous years
  • Pay dividends on the Company’s ordinary shares for 2022 in the amount of RUB 766,500 thousand.
  • To elect members to the Company’s Board of Directors and the Auditing Commission.
  • To appoint an association of auditors (collective participant) consisting of TsATR — Audit Services, LLC (leader of the collective participant) and Crowe Audex, LLC (member of the collective participant) as the audit organisation of the Company