Disclosure System

The Information Policy of Rosseti Kuban is aimed at the complete satisfaction of shareholders, investment community, client, contractor, relevant market regulators, public authorities, employees and other interested parties seeking complete, relevant and accurate information about the Company and its activities, as well as the free and unhindered access to such information.

The Company has in place the Regulations on the Information Policy describing the goals, objectives, principles, procedures, and terms of information disclosure and the list of data disclosed.

Principle of information transparency of the Company
Principles Implementation of principles
Regularity, consistency and timeliness
  • Continuity of the information disclosure process, for which the Company has a procedure to coordinate the work of all services and business units related to information disclosure or the activities of which may result in the need to disclose information
  • Disclosure of information that may materially affect the valuation of the Company and the value of its securities as soon as practicable
  • Disclosure of material information in the Russian Federation
  • Timely provision of information about the Company’s position on rumours or unreliable data creating a wrong impression of the Company’s situation and the value of its securities, which puts the interests of shareholders and investors at risk
Availability and accessibility The Company uses a variety of information disclosure channels and methods, primarily electronic, accessible to the majority of stakeholders, which ensure free and unencumbered access of stakeholders to the information disclosed by the Company on a free‑of‑charge basis and without performing special procedures to become familiar with it
Reliability, completeness and comparability

The Company provides:

  • Clarity and consistency of the information disclosed and the comparability of the data provided (the ability to compare the Company’s performance over different time periods)
  • Objective and balanced nature of the information provided — when covering its activities, the Company does not shy away from disclosing negative information about itself which is material to shareholders and investors
  • Neutrality in financial and other disclosures, i.e., independence from the interests of any individuals or groups of individuals. Information is not neutral if the choice of its content or form of presentation is intended to achieve certain results or effects

The Company’s information transparency is based on the maximum exercise of the rights of shareholders, their representatives, potential investors and other interested parties to receive information on the Company’s activities. The prerequisites for this are:

  • Protection of restricted information, including information constituting a state, commercial or other secret protected by law, including personal data, as well as insider information
  • Compliance with the rules for the distribution and use of insider information as set out in the Company’s internal documents

Apart from the data subject to obligatory disclosure, the Company publishes detailed information on its operations, securities and shareholders, as well as its governing and control bodies, significant transactions, and subsidiaries and affiliates. The Company also endeavours to disclose material non‑financial information, which helps to form an objective and comprehensive view of the Company’s impact on the environment, social sphere, and economy.

In parallel with the disclosure of information in Russian, the Company discloses information about the Company (including the announcement of the shareholders’ meeting, the Company’s annual report, accounting (financial) statements) in English and provides free access to it.

The disclosure of the information about the Company operations is mostly done through publishing the data on the corporate website, in the news feed of the authorised information agency (Interfax), in printed and electronic media, as well as via meetings, interviews, and briefings with the Company’s shareholders and other stakeholders, etc.

The information policy shall be put in effect by the sole executive body of the Company.

The Board of Directors controls the implementation of the Information Policy Regulations by considering the annual reports of the General Director on compliance with the Information Policy.

The Company ensures the preparation and disclosure of the annual report, which provides shareholders and investors with a full picture of the Company’s activities and development during the reporting year. For this purpose, in addition to the information required by Russian law, the Company strives to include in the annual report further information as provided for by the Regulation on Information Policy.

The annual reports of the Company for 2015, 2016, and 2018–2021 were shortlisted by relevant annual report competitions held by Moscow Exchange and the RCB media group in the category of the Best Annual Report of a Company of Capitalisation of under RUB 40 billion. The 2022 Annual Report of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC took third place in the 2023 Annual Report Competition held by Moscow Exchange, PJSC in the Best Corporate Governance Disclosure category, and was also shortlisted for the Grand Prix in the Best Annual Report of a Company with a capitalisation of up to RUB 40 billion category.