Electricity metering

As of the end of the reporting year, there are 1,262,854 power supply points in the Company’s area of operations.

Pursuant to Federal Law No. 522‑FZ “On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Development of Electricity (Capacity) Metering Systems in the Russian Federation” dated 27 December 2018, the Concept for the Development of Smart Metering of Electricity of Rosseti, PJSC in the Retail Markets approved by the decision of the Management Board of Rosseti, PJSC (Minutes No. 885pr/1 dated 26 June 2019), the Company takes measures to develop smart electricity metering by replacing (installing, verifying) metering devices.

Structure of electricity supply points to the Company’s consumers (%)
Results of the smart metering development programme in 2021–2023 (metering points)
Indicator 2021 2022 Plan 2023 Actual 2023
Volumes of implementation (introduction, fulfilment) of measures, including: 49,385 45,524 55,893 99,266
Installation/replacement of technical electricity meters 2,646 1,950 0 0
Installation/replacement of commercial electricity meters within the grid connection framework, under the Investment Programme 20,389 27,890 22,589 27,745
Installation/replacement of commercial electricity meters in case of absence or breakdown, or expiry of the calibration interval/service life of meters, under the Investment Programme 6,221 8,386 12,836 14,889
Installation/replacement of commercial electricity meters in case of absence or breakdown, or expiry of the calibration interval / service life of meters, under the Repair Programme 6,848 7,298 9,216 27,210
Installation/replacement of electricity meters under energy service agreements 13,281 0 0 12,183
Verification of fiscal electricity metering devices upon expiry of their verification interval under operating activities 0 0 11,252 17,239
Delivery on measures of the smart metering development programme (metering points)
2,276.65 RUB mln
expenses for measures to replace (install, verify) electricity metering devices in 2023 (excl. VAT)

453,573 smart meters
installed by the end of 2023 (36.24% of the total number)

73,171 electricity meters
were automated in 2023

As of 31 December 2023, the amount of electricity metering devices with remote data collection was 453,573, or 36.24% of the total number of supply points. In 2023, 73,171 electricity metering devices were automated.

Total automated metering devices with remote data collection as of 31 December 2023 by branches of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC

In 2024, it is planned to continue the installation/replacement and automation of commercial electricity meters in the absence, breakdown, expiry of the calibration interval / service life of electricity meters, as well as during grid connection, in order to create a smart electricity metering system to meet the requirements of the Federal Law “On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Development of Electricity (Power) Metering Systems in the Russian Federation” No. 522‑FZ dated 27 December 2018.