Grid Connection Committee

Committee establishment date 11 October 2011
Date and number of the minutes of the Board meeting, at which the Regulations on the Committee (as amended) were approved No. 281/2017 dated 19 July 2017
Key tasks of the Committee

To develop recommendations (conclusions) concerning the following issues and submission of them to the Board of Directors:

  • Improvement of the legal framework of the anti‑trust law and provision of equal‑opportunity access to the grid connection services
  • Improvement of the Company’s internal standards for ensuring equal‑opportunity access to the grid connection services
  • Development of principles and criteria for assessing the Company’s performance efficiency regarding connecting customers to powergrids
  • Assessment of the Company’s performance related to grid connection of consumers
  • Assessment of the Company’s performance efficiency in the improvement of powergrid development plans in the regions of presence
  • Analysis of the current situation in the Company and the preparation of suggestions for the Board of Directors concerning customers’grid connection and the future development of the grid in general
Members of the Board of Directors in office in the reporting year

Members of the Committee serving between 17 August 2022 and 27 June 2023, current members of the Committee elected on 14 August 2023:

1. Alexey Molskiy (Committee Chairman), Deputy General Director for Investment and Capital Construction of Rossetti, PJSC, member of the Board of Directors of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC

2. Marina Gazdanova, Deputy Head of Gri d Connection and Infrastructure Development Department — Head of Additional Services and Customer Services Development Department of Rosseti, PJSC

3. Dmitry Zhuravlev, Deputy General Director for Development and Gri d Connection of Rosseti South, PJSC

4. Oleg Klinkov, Director for Customer Relations — Head of Technological Development Department of Rosseti, PJSC

5. Alexander Chepusov, Acting Deputy General Director for Development and Grid Connection of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC

Performance results of the Committee in the reporting year Indicator 2021 2022 2023
Number of Committee meetings held 10 8 8
  • Including in person (in mixed format)
1 2
Number of issues discussed 16 17 15
Share of issues preliminarily considered by the Committee with preparation of recommendations to the Board of Directors in the total number of issues considered (%) 25.0 23.5 20.0
Average attendance of the Committee meetings by the Committee members (%) 95.0 100 100

Recommendations were made to the Board of Directors on the approval of customer service quality standards and consideration of the Grid Connection Committee’s progress report for the 2022–2023 corporate year.

Review of the following management reports:

  • On the implementation of measures to improve the accessibility of energy infrastructure
  • On interaction with the system operator and executive authorities of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygeya when considering power industry development schemes and programmes
  • On the Company’s current activities in connection of consumers to the power grid
  • On the preparation of comprehensive development programmes for power grids with a voltage of 35 kV or above in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygeya
  • On the progress on the roadmap for the development of additional (non‑tariff) services
  • On decommissioning of electricity generation facilities