Membership of the Board of Directors

The Company’s General Meeting of Shareholders elects the 11‑member Board of Directors, who will serve in that capacity until the following annual General Meeting of Shareholders. If the Board of Directors is elected at an extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, the members of the Board of Directors are deemed elected for the period until the date of the next annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

First‑time directors are given an opportunity to get an insight into the Company’s strategy, corporate governance, risk management and internal control systems, the allocation of responsibilities among the Company’s executive bodies and other material information on the Company’s operations and financial and business activities.

During the reporting year, there were two compositions of the Company’s Board of Directors:

  • elected at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company on 16 June 2022 and effective until the election of a new Board of Directors on 16 June 2023 (first composition)
  • current composition of the Board of Directors elected at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company on 16 June 2023 (second composition)

Current composition of the Board of Directors of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC (second composition)Consent to the disclosure of personal information set out in the Corporate Governance Report section was obtained from all people who are or were members of the Company’s governing and control bodies. Information on the primary employment of the members of the Board of Directors and their positions in governing bodies of other organisations is given in accordance with the data provided by them to the Company as of the end of the reporting year. By ‘the present time’ in this case, the Company means 31 December 2023.


Chairman of the Board of Directors, Non‑Executive DirectorThe status of the Board members (executive, non-executive, independent) is defined by the criteria of the Corporate Governance Code of the Bank of Russia.

Year of birth 1979
Education Higher. Graduated from Moscow State Law Academy, with major in Jurisprudence, Lawyer
Primary employment and position held Deputy General Director for Legal Support of Rosseti, PJSC
Participation in governing bodies of other organisations, in committees of the Company's Board of Directors for the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2018 present time Rosseti Lenenergo, PJSC Member of the Board of Directors
2022 Lenenergo Energy Service Company, JSC Chairman of the Board of Directors
2019 present time Rosseti Lenenergo, PJSC Member of the Management Board
2020 present time Rosseti Ural, PJSC Chairman of the Board of Directors
Rosseti Moscow Region, PJSC Member of the Board of Directors
Energotrans, LLC Member of the Board of Directors and the Management Board of the managing organisation (Rosseti Lenenergo, PJSC)
2023 Rosseti Northen Caucasus, PJSC, Rosseti Centre, PJSC, Rosseti Siberia, PJSC Member of the Board of Directors
2021 present time Rosseti South, PJSC Chairman of the Board of Directors
Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Member of the Strategy Committee of the Board of Directors
2022 Rosseti North‑West, PJSC Member of the Board of Directors
2023 TDC, PJSC, Tyvaenergo, JSC, Rosseti Volga, PJSC, STC UES, JSC, Rosseti Tyumen, JSC, Rosseti Yantar, JSC, Rosseti Digital, JSC, STC FGC UES, JSC Chairman, member of the Board of Directors
2022 present time Rosseti, PJSC Member of the Management Board
2023 CECM UES, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
2023 present time Energetik, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
Tenure on the Board of Directors of the Company Since 3 June 2021

Non‑Executive Director

Year of birth 1979
Education Higher. Graduated from Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University), with major in Economics and Management at the Enterprise, Engineer‑Economist
Primary employment and position held First Deputy Head of the Tariff Policy Department of Rosseti, PJSC
Participation in governing bodies of other organisations, in committees of the Company's Board of Directors for the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2018 2022 Did not hold any positions in the Company or in the governing bodies of other organisations
Tenure on the Board of Directors of the Company Since 16 June 2023

Non‑Executive Director

Year of birth 1984
Education Higher. Graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, with major in Finance and Credit, International Economist with knowledge of foreign languages
Primary employment and position held Deputy Chief Engineer of Rosseti, PJSC
Participation in governing bodies of other organisations, in committees of the Company's Board of Directors for the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2018 2018 Did not hold any positions in the Company or in the governing bodies of other organisations
2019 present time Operator ASTU, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
2020 NWEMC, JSC, FTC, JSC Chairman of the Board of Directors
ENIN, JSC, STC FGC UES, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
Tenure on the Board of Directors of the Company Since 3 June 2021

Independent Director

Year of birth 1985

Higher. Graduated from the Siberian Academy of Public Service, with major in Finance and Credit, Economist.

Completed professional retraining:

  • in RANEPA, Master of Business Administration,
  • at the Higher School of the RANEPA, Master of Public Administration for Executives
Primary employment and position held Chairman of the Electricity and Industry Committee of the Krasnodar Territory Branch of OPORA RUSSIA
Participation in governing bodies of other organisations, in committees of the Company's Board of Directors for the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2018 2021 Industrial Technologies, LLC General Director
2020 2023 OS‑Centre, LLC
2023 present time Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Member of the Strategy Committee of the Board of Directors
Tenure on the Board of Directors of the Company Since 16 June 2023

Non‑Executive Director

Year of birth 1948
Education Higher. Graduated from Moscow Engineering and Economic Institute named after S. Ordzhonikidze, with major in Economics, Engineer‑Economist. Holds a doctorate decree in Economics
Primary employment and position held Professional Director
Participation in governing bodies of other organisations, in committees of the Company's Board of Directors for the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2011 2019 DVEUK, OJSC Chairman of the Board of Directors
2018 2021 IDGC of Centre, PJSC Chairman, member of the Board of Directors
present time Rosseti Centre and Volga Region, PJSC
2020 2021 Rosseti Volga, PJSC Member of the Board of Directors
2021 present time Rosseti South, PJSC Member of the Board of Directors
Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Member of the Auditing Committee of the Board of Directors
Personnel and Remuneration Committee under the Board of Directors
2022 present time Rosseti Volga, PJSC Member of the Board of Directors
Tenure on the Board of Directors of the Company Since 3 June 2021

Non‑Executive Director

Year of birth 1980
Education Higher. Graduated from the North Ossetian State University n.a. К. Khetagurov, with major in Jurisprudence, Lawyer
Primary employment and position held Director for Corporate Governance — Head of Corporate Governance Department of Rosseti, PJSC
Participation in governing bodies of other organisations, in committees of the Company's Board of Directors for the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2014 2021 Index of Electric Power Industry of FGC UPS, LLC Member of the Board of Directors
present time UES SakRusenergo, JSC Member of the Supervisory Board
MTCES, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
2015 2021 FGC Asset Management, LLC Member of the Board of Directors
2023 IT Energy Service, LLC
2017 present time APBE, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
2021 present time Rosseti Centre and Volga Region, PJSC, ENIN, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
2022 Rosseti Digital, JSC, NWEMC, JSC
2023 Kuban Main Power Grids, JSC, STC UES, JSC, Rosseti Technical Customer Centre, JSC
2022 present time Rosseti Yantar, JSC, Rosseti Tyumen, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Member of the Strategy Committee of the Board of Directors
2023 Rosseti North‑West, PJSC Member of the Board of Directors
Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Member of the Auditing Committee of the Board of Directors
2023 present time Rosseti Siberia Tyvaenergo, PJSC Member of the Board of Directors
Tenure on the Board of Directors of the Company Since 31 August 2021

Non‑Executive Director

Year of birth 1973

Higher. Graduated from Voronezh Polytechnic Institute, with major in PGR Design and Technology, Design & Process Engineer.

Holds a candidate degree in Technical Science

Primary employment and position held Deputy General Director for Digital Transformation of Rosseti, PJSC
Participation in governing bodies of other organisations, in committees of the Company's Board of Directors for the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2018 2020 Did not hold any positions in the Company or in the governing bodies of other organisations
2021 present time Rosseti Digital, JSC, MTCES, JSC, Rosseti Centre and Volga Region, PJSC, Rosseti Tyumen, JSC, IT Energy Service, LLC Member of the Board of Directors
2022 Chitatekhenergo, JSC Acting General Director of Rosseti Digital, JSC — managing company Chitatehenergo, JSC
Infrastructure Investments‑3, LLC Member of the Board of Directors
2023 Rosseti Siberia, PJSC, FTC, JSC
Rosseti Digital, JSC Acting General Director
2022 present time Rosseti South, PJSC Member of the Board of Directors
Tenure on the Board of Directors of the Company Since 30 December 2021

Independent Director

Year of birth 1969
Education Higher. Graduated from the Saint‑Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, with major in Finance and Credit, Economist
Primary employment and position held Advisor to the Director General of Avangard, JSC
Participation in governing bodies of other organisations, in committees of the Company's Board of Directors for the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2017 2021 Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Member of the Reliability Committee of the Board of Directors
2019 present time Member of the Strategy Committee of the Board of Directors
2023 Member of the Auditing Committee of the Board of Directors
Tenure on the Board of Directors of the Company Since 16 June 2017

Non‑Executive Director

Year of birth 1980
Education Higher. Graduated from Moscow Power Engineering Institute, with major in Power Systems and Grids, Engineer, and Economics and Management of Electric Power Enterprises, Engineer‑Economist
Primary employment and position held Deputy General Director for Investments and Capital Construction of Rosseti, PJSC
Participation in governing bodies of other organisations, in committees of the Company's Board of Directors for the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2014 2023 NPP Market Council Association Member of the Supervisory Board
present time UES SakRusenergo, JSC Chairman of the Supervisory Board
2016 2020 FGC UES, PJSC Member of the Management Board
2015 present time TaigaEnergoStroy, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
2019 present time CECM UES, JSC
2023 Tomsk Main Power Grids, OJSC Chairman, member of the Board of Directors
2020 Energosetproekt, JSC Chairman of the Board of Directors
2020 present time RNC CIGRE Member of the Presidium
Rosseti Moscow Region, PJSC, Energocentre, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Chairman of the Grid Connection Committee of the Board of Directors
2023 Rosseti, PJSC Member of the Management Board
Yantarenergosbyt, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
2021 present time Rosseti Volga, PJSC, Rosseti Northen Caucasus, PJSC, Rosseti Digital, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
2021 Rosseti South, PJSC
2023 TDC, PJSC, Rosseti Siberia Tyvaenergo, JSC, Rosseti North‑West, PJSC, Rosseti Centre, PJSC, Rosseti Siberia, PJSC, Rosseti Tyumen, JSC, Rosseti Technical Customer Centre, JSC
2022 present time Rosseti, PJSC Member of the Management Board
Rossetti Lenenergo, PJSC, STC FGC UES, JSC, Mobile GRES, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
2022 IDGC of Urals, OJSC
Tenure on the Board of Directors of the Company Since 3 June 2021

Non‑Executive Director

Year of birth 1978

Higher. Graduated from Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, with major in Power Engineering, Master of Engineering and Technology.

Holds a candidate degree in Technical Science.

Underwent professional retraining at the RANEPA under the MBA programme “Top Manager”, with major in Management

Primary employment and position held Deputy General Director — Chief of Staff of Rosseti, PJSC
Participation in governing bodies of other organisations, in committees of the Company's Board of Directors for the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2018 2021 FTC, JSC, STC UES, JSC General Director
2021 2022 REC FGC UPS, JSC
2021 present time RNC CIGRE Association Deputy Chairman
2019 present time Rosseti Property Management, JSC, FTC, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
Digital Energy Association Member of the Management Board
2022 present time Rosseti Centre and Volga Region, PJSC, Rosseti Digital, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
2023 present time Rosseti Volga, PJSC, Rosseti North‑West, PJSC, Rosseti Tyumen, JSC, ENIN, JSC, STC FGC UES, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
Rosseti, PJSC Member of the Management Board
Tenure on the Board of Directors of the Company Since 16 June 2023

Executive Director

Year of birth 1975

Higher. Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, with major in Law, Lawyer.

Holds a candidate degree in Legal Sciences

Primary employment and position held Chairman of the Management Board, General Director of Rosseti South, PJSC; Chairman of the Management Board, Acting General Director of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC (part‑time)
Participation in governing bodies of other organisations, in committees of the Company's Board of Directors for the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2014 present time Rosseti South, PJSC Chairman of the Management Board, General Director
2019 Donenergo, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
2015 present time Rosseti South, PJSC
2018 present time VMES, JSC Chairman of the Board of Directors
2021 present time Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Chairman of the Management Board, Acting General Director (part‑time)
Tenure on the Board of Directors of the Company Since 31 August 2021

First composition of the Board of Directors


Chairman of the Board of Directors, Non‑Executive Director (for biography, please see above, in the Current Members of the Board of Directors of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC (second composition) subsection)


Non‑Executive Director (for biography, please see above, in the Current Members of the Board of Directors of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC (second composition) subsection)


Non‑Executive Director

Year of birth 1977

Higher. Graduated from:

Moscow State Mining University, with major in Management, Master of Management

Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law, with major in Jurisprudence, Bachelor of Jurisprudence

Primary employment and position held Chief Advisor of Rosseti, PJSC
Participation in governing bodies of other organisations, in committees of the Company's Board of Directors for the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2014 2023 Rosseti Tyumen, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
IDGC of Urals, PJSC Chairman, member of the Board of Directors
2017 2019 IDGC of Siberia, PJSC
2018 MOESK, PJSC Member of the Board of Directors
2020 2023 Rosseti Northern Caucasus, PJSC Member of the Board of Directors
2022 Rosseti Centre and Volga Region, PJSC, Rosseti North‑West, PJSC
2021 Rosseti Lenenergo, PJSC
2021 2023 Rosseti Volga, PJSC, Rosseti Centre, PJSC Member of the Board of Directors
2022 Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Member of the Auditing Committee of the Board of Directors
2022 2022 NWEMC, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
Tenure on the Board of Directors of the Company 31 August 2021 to 16 June 2023


Non‑Executive Director (for biography, please see above, in the Current Members of the Board of Directors of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC (second composition) subsection)


Non‑Executive Director (for biography, please see above, in the Current Members of the Board of Directors of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC (second composition) subsection)


Non‑Executive Director (for biography, please see above, in the Current Members of the Board of Directors of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC (second composition) subsection)


Independent Director (for biography, please see above, in the Current Members of the Board of Directors of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC (second composition) subsection) subsection) Current Members of the Board of Directors of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC (second composition) subsection)


Non‑Executive Director (for biography, please see above, in the Current Members of the Board of Directors of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC (second composition) subsection)


Executive Director (for biography, please see above, in the Current Members of the Board of Directors of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC (second composition) subsection)


Non‑Executive Director

Year of birth 1978

Higher. Graduated from Moscow State Construction University, with major in Economics and Management at Enterprise (in construction), Economist.

Holds a candidate decree in Economic Sciences

Primary employment and position held Chief Advisor of Rosseti, PJSC
Participation in governing bodies of other organisations, in committees of the Company's Board of Directors for the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2019 2023 Rosseti Lenenergo, PJSC Member of the Management Board
2021 2023 Rosseti Lenenergo, PJSC, Rosseti North‑West, PJSC, Rosseti South, PJSC, Rosseti Moscow Region, PJSC, Rosseti Siberia, PJSC, IDGC of Urals, OJSC, Rosseti Yantar, JSC, Rosseti Tyumen, JSC, Rosseti Digital, JSC, FGC Asset Management, LLC, CECM UES, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
2022 Rosseti Tyumen, JSC, FGC Asset Management, LLC
2022 present time Rosseti, PJSC Member of the Management Board
2023 Rosseti Centre, PJSC, Rosseti Northen Caucasus, PJSC Member of the Board of Directors
Tenure on the Board of Directors of the Company 3 June 2021 to 16 June 2023

Independent Director

Year of birth 1955
Education Higher. Graduated from Moscow Power Engineering Institute, with major in Automated Control Systems, System Engineer
Primary employment and position held President of OSBI‑CLASS AUDIT AND CONSULTING GROUP, LLC
Participation in governing bodies of other organisations, in committees of the Company's Board of Directors for the last 5 years:
Period Organisation Position
from to
2002 2023 Technology Centre, LLC General Director
2013 2023 OPORA RUSSIA, an All‑Russian public organisation of small and medium‑sized businesses Member of the Presidium of the Management Board
2014 2023 TORI‑AUDIT, LLC General Director
2015 2019 Tyumenenergo, JSC Member of the Board of Directors
2020 2023 Rosseti Kuban, PJSC Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors
Tenure on the Board of Directors of the Company 20 June 2021 to 16 June 2023
Structure of the Company’s Board of Directors in 2023, persons
S. No. Membership of the Board of Directors First composition of the Board of Directors (16.06.2022 to 16.06.2023) Second composition of the Board of Directors (since 16.06.2023)

In terms of expertise:

  • economics and management
6 7
  • jurisprudence
4 3
  • electrical power, engineering
3 3

By tenure on the Board of Directors:

  • 1‑2 years
3 3
  • 3‑5 years
7 7
  • over 5 years
1 1

By age:

  • 31–40 years old
1 2
  • 41–50 years old
7 7
  • 51 and over years old
3 2

Gender composition:

  • men
10 9
  • wonen
1 2

None of the members of the Board of Directors:

  • Owned the shares of the Company and its S&As or made transactions with them during the reporting yearAccording to the data provided to the Company by the Board members.
  • Took training courses at the expense of the Company
  • Had family ties with people who are members of the bodies that manage and/or control the financial and economic activities of the Company
  • Was held administratively liable for financial improprieties, offence regarding tax and fees or security market, or had any criminal record for economic crimes or crimes against the state
  • Hold positions in the management bodies of commercial organisations during the period when bankruptcy proceedings were initiated against these organisations and/or one of the bankruptcy procedures provided for by the insolvency legislation of the Russian Federation was introduced
  • Had any conflicts of interest (including those related to participation in the governing bodies of the Company’s competitors) in the reporting year
  • Received any loans (borrowings) from the Company